##Overview This is the current progress of my ArcheAge market. For various reasons, I've chosen to stop playing ArcheAge. As this is no longer a passion of mine, I find myself not support this project. I would hate for the current work to go to waste, therefore I've opensourced the progress I do have.
##What Works
Character Creation
Adding Professions
Removing Professions
Changing Profession Skill Levels
Guild Creation
- Guild Invites
- Guild Promotions
- Guild Deletion
- Guild Profile
##What Needs To Be Done
- Check out the TODO in the code.
- Ensure that you're checking for permissions in the templates, especially for /profile requests when the user is not logged in
- Clean up templates, add error locations for every page.
- Guild Profile Cleanup
- Clickable Character Names
- Add option to create "friendly name" instead of just google user name. Useful for viewing profiles other than your own
- Character profile page for users other than yourself
- Pretty much everything, need to create new data model for adding prices.
- Note: you can find useful things in the resources folder, including the icons, and a mostly up-to-date item DB
- Note: If you know how to get the sqlite DB from the archeage game_pak file, you can use the resources/add_item_table.py script to create item tables in a DB
- Pretty much everything, I wasn't really sure where I was going with this feature, and others had already written things better than mine.
- Again, Pretty much everything. I wasn't really sure where I was going with this feature, and others had already written things better than mine.
##Getting Started
###Create A Google AppEngine App
Follow the instructions here for getting google oauth keys: http://www.artandlogic.com/blog/2014/04/tutorial-adding-facebooktwittergoogle-authentication-to-a-django-application/
Copy config.cfg.example to config.cfg and fill in the oauth_key and oauth_secret settings.
###Create a Python virtual environment:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
bin/pip install -r ../requirements.txt
###Initialize the Django DB
./django.sh syncdb
###Start The Service
./django.sh runserver