
Simple tools to make console cowboying easier. Mostly *nix tools with an emphasis on OS X.

Primary LanguagePerl


Tools for console cowboying.

This is a collection of simple but effective tools to use on the command line to improve computing.

3 - combined calculator and base converter


aes - encrypt/decrypt message with AES aes 9E38A1CACF2E2AEB2393ABA2AD9582D3 1CF7E85AFE548262CCAE0F1A5F181799

aire - (OS X) reset wifi aire # network will disconnect temporary

alert - alert (play sound) when a command completes alert dd if=file.iso of=disk

alexa - get Alexa.com ranking for a site alexa cnn.com

all - loop a command over a list of files all 'tar -zxvf FILE' *tgz

ana - arduino - asm - asm2pl - avg - b2h - b64 - baud - bl - ccchanbw - ccdeviatn - ccdrate - ccfreq - char - conv - cpu - de_bruijn - desktopinfo - diffbits - diffdir - disable_swap - dos2unix - ds - exp - g - gcode-xbox -

hex2bin -

ip - list IPv4 addresses, interface name and default gateway ip # list all IPs, interfaces, and gateway ip en0 # only list IP of en0 interface

ipfwd - (OS X) enable/disable IP forwarding, temporarily or permanently ipfwd 1 # enable ip forwardwing ipfwd 0 # disable ip forwardwing ipfwd 5 10 # enable for 5 seconds, disable for 10 seconds, enable on exit

onchange - run a command whenever a file/directory changes `onchange . rsync -av ./ remote.com:project

pb2url - pi - pm3cs8 - pmi - pn9 - rtl - same - sdi - sdr - serialsniff - sik - siteinfo - spec - strace - teensy - testpb - timer - tm - unm - unz - ur - url_sniff - watch - whiten - wx - xor -

rtl - uses rtl_fm or hackrf_fm to listen to a frequency, with a default of AM modulation and a high sample rate.

usage: rtl [-s squelch] [-m modulation] [-b (baudline)] [-l (lowpass)] <frequency (hz/mhz)> [file.wav]

rtl 315M listens at 315M with AM modulation and a sample rate of 2M

rtl 315M test.wav saves to test.wav while listening to 15M with AM modulation and a sample rate of 2M