This project focuses on enhancing user registration and login experiences through both traditional email verification and seamless Google OAuth 2.0 integration.



Welcome to GOOGLE_OAUTH_MERN, a robust web application built on the MERN stack that provides secure and convenient user authentication. This project focuses on enhancing user registration and login experiences through both traditional email verification and seamless Google OAuth 2.0 integration.

Key Features

  • User Registration: Allow users to register using their email addresses, fostering a secure and personalized experience.

  • Email Verification: Boost security by implementing a robust email verification system. Users will receive a verification email upon registration to confirm their identity.

  • Google OAuth 2.0 Integration: Simplify the login process by enabling users to sign in with their Google accounts, enhancing user convenience and reducing barriers to entry.

  • Scalable MERN Stack: Built on the MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js stack, ensuring scalability, efficiency, and a modern development environment.

Technologies Used

  • MongoDB: A powerful NoSQL database for efficient data storage.
  • Express.js: A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework.
  • React: A declarative and efficient JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for building server-side applications.
  • Passport.js: Facilitating Google OAuth 2.0 integration for seamless user authentication.


Your feedback is crucial for the continuous improvement of this project. Feel free to open issues, provide suggestions, or submit pull requests. Let's make GOOGLE_OAUTH_MERN better together!

Note: The source code for this project will be made available once the repository reaches 20 stars. Your support is greatly appreciated!