Integration of sentry client into zap.Logger is pretty simple:
func modifyToSentryLogger(log *zap.Logger, client *sentry.Client) *zap.Logger {
cfg := zapsentry.Configuration{
Level: zapcore.ErrorLevel, //when to send message to sentry
EnableBreadcrumbs: true, // enable sending breadcrumbs to Sentry
BreadcrumbLevel: zapcore.InfoLevel, // at what level should we sent breadcrumbs to sentry
Tags: map[string]string{
"component": "system",
core, err := zapsentry.NewCore(cfg, zapsentry.NewSentryClientFromClient(client))
//in case of err it will return noop core. so we can safely attach it
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to init zap", zap.Error(err))
log = zapsentry.AttachCoreToLogger(core, log)
// to use breadcrumbs feature - create new scope explicitly
// and attach after attaching the core
return log.With(zapsentry.NewScope())
Please note that wrapper does not guarantee that all your events will be sent before the app exits. Flush called internally only in case of writing message with severity level > zapcore.ErrorLevel (i.e. Fatal, Panic, ...). If you want to ensure your messages come to sentry - call the flush on native sentry client at defer. Example:
func main() {
sentryClient, err := sentry.NewClient(sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: "Sentry DSN",
if err != nil {
// Handle the error here
// Flush buffered events before the program terminates.
// Set the timeout to the maximum duration the program can afford to wait.
defer sentryClient.Flush(2 * time.Second)
// create zap log and wrapper...
// create and run your app here...