
This repository is not intended to be downloaded or reproduced.

Primary LanguageC++

Project for Learning OpenGL

This is just a simple project for me to (re-)learn OpenGL via the very popular website https://www.learnopengl.com. I never quite finished the original tutorial, and I'm not very confident in graphics programming at all. At the time I failed to implement shadows. Starting from scratch should be fun. I know nobody cares but whatever.


Currently using Visual Studio 2019 (Visual Studio 16).

Using several external libraries, currently:

  • GLFW (v3.3.2) — built from source.
  • GLAD — include-only, built online (?)
  • stb_image — directly included in project
  • GLM (v0.9.9.8) — include-only
  • Assimp (v5.0.1) — built from source | dynamically-linked.