Currently our MLM is supporting Siegfried, Exif, and more to come.
git clone
python3 -base_log_path "my_base_file_.json" -sf_log_path "my-siegfried_output.log" -dest_file_path "my_finally_merged_file.json"
Specify the path to the base log file which should be enriched with the Siegfried log. Please ensure that your file follows the example structure specified here.
Specify the Siegfried file which should be merged into the base log. Please ensure that your file follows the example structure specified here.
Specify the file path to the file where the merged output should be written to.
The MLM currently supports Exif, and Mediainfo as well. To add the Exif tool output to the merged file add the following parameters.
To display a statistic which fields and how often they occur in the merged log set this to True (-occurrence_of_keys "True"). Otherwise the default value will be False and thus the statistic not calculated or shown.
Specify the Exif file which should be added as key to the merged log. Please ensure that your file follows the example structure specified here.
This parameter is mandatory if the exif_log_path parameter is added. It should be used to specify a file path to a file which should contain the name of those keys from the log, which we want to merge.
Please stick to the recommended file structure specified here.
To add the Mediainfo output to the merged file use the following parameters:
Specify the Exif file which should be added as key to the merged log. Please ensure that your file follows the example structure specified here.
This parameter is mandatory if the mediainfo_log_path parameter is added. It should be used to specify a file path to a file which should contain the name of those keys from the log, which we want to merge.
Please stick to the recommended file structure specified here.
Running the script with every optional parameter would look like this:
python3 -base_log_path "base_file.json" -sf_log_path "siegfried.log" -exif_log_path "exif.log" -dest_file_path "merged_log.json" -f_keys_to_del_path "key_list.log"
{"files": [
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"ZipUncompressedSize": 4132,
"ZipFileName": "my_file.m",
"Warning": "[minor] Use the Duplicates option to extract tags for all 7 files"
"SourceFile": "/my_other_file",
"ExifToolVersion": 14.16,
"FileName": "Belinda_Blinked.xlsx",
"Directory": "/my_file_path/my_other_file",
"FileSize": "1080 KiB",
"FileModifyDate": "2018:03:14 18:57:25+00:00",
"FileAccessDate": "2018:03:14 18:57:25+00:00",
"FileInodeChangeDate": "2018:03:14 18:57:25+00:00",
"FilePermissions": "rw-r--r--",
"FileType": "XLSX",
"FileTypeExtension": "xlsx",
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"ZipRequiredVersion": 20,
"ZipBitFlag": "0x0006",
"ZipCompression": "Deflated",
"ZipModifyDate": "1980:01:01 00:00:00",
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This file contains the superficial keys. Please specify one key name per line.
This script uses dict comprehensions. It basically looks for matching keys in both logs and adds them together. Therefore its important that the matching_key parameters in the different functions are existent in the respective log file and specified correctly. Out of convenience we are currently using the filename for this matching key. However it is important to mention that the name of the key where the filename is stored might be different. E.g. our base file stores the filename under path while Siegfried uses filename and Exif SourceFile.