
No such class name exists or such method on that instance of class exists, you shouldn't be getting this if you are good

shalicemoideen opened this issue · 4 comments

When i execute the weather update command "hey stephanie, what is the weather update today?" am getting this error

Google Speech Recognition thinks you said what is the weather update today
['weather', 'update', 'today']
['WeatherReportModule@WeatherReportToday', ['weather', 'today']]
No such class name exists or such method on that instance of class exists, you shouldn't be getting this if you are good ol user and not a 3rd party developer, for you mr.developer, check the support tab, to know how to fix it or just read the guidelines thoroughly to learn how to create your own modules and wire them properly.

Make sure you have the latest git repo, and have you changed or altered anything in the modules directory?

I have pulled git repo and getting readme file only changed rather than everything is latest.

I didn't changed anything in the module directory,
I am using Python 3.4.3 and pip 9.0.1

I am not able to reproduce the error, what's your system's OS? and is the issue specific to weather module or other modules as well?

closing the issue because time period is expired.