Stephanie is an open-source platform built specifically for voice-controlled applications as well as to automate daily tasks imitating much of an virtual assistant's work.
- adamackermanPittsburgh, PA
- agergo
- borysn@rvep
- brendancwood
- camelusminimusHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- CVertex@thoughtworks
- DocWatsonPetal
- ekt1701
- ep3p
- ezralalonde
- ggarza5Garza Consulting Group
- hex007Bangalore, India
- hhandokoSingapore
- jeanpraloNew Zealand
- Kannaj
- keldren
- kfroemming-cbChoice Hotels
- LeLobster
- MeamonBBoulder
- MozarttedEzrah Technologies
- msaqib4203Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
- MycahSeattle, WA
- neonichu@Apple
- nick-zanobiniDavis, California
- nsrivRochester, NY
- Nutjob
- praveenmylavarapuInteractive Brokers LLC
- saikatkumardey@Gojek
- schaelleRaiffeisen Schweiz
- sitaramshelke@Instabase
- TaubinAuckland, NZ
- thatc0derHagin Codes LLC
- trancen
- varney@BonnierNews
- vezquexHackdash, MixNote
- voxadamspacetime