
Personal Vim/Neovim Configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

Personal vim/neovim configs


The following instructions are for neovim. Using vim (or gvim on Windows) will work as well. However, you will need to change the paths referenced in the below instructions if vim is being used as follows:

neovim vim
Linux ~/.config/nvim/ ~/.vim/
Windows ~\AppData\Local\nvim\ ~\vimfiles\


Install using package manager: cmake, curl, fzf, git, neovim, nodejs, python, python2, python-pynvim.

Clone repo:

cd ~/.config/
git clone git@github.com:Slashbunny/vim-config.git nvim

Install neovim modules:

npm install -g neovim

Start neovim to install plugins.


Run all commands in PowerShell. Install scoop from https://scoop.sh/

Install dependencies using scoop:

scoop install neovim fzf curl git python python27 nodejs cmake

Install neovim modules for each supported language:

python3 -m pip install neovim
python2 -m pip install neovim
npm install -g neovim

Clone repo:

cd ~\AppData\Local\
git clone git@github.com:Slashbunny/vim-config.git nvim

Start neovim to install plugins.


Check Setup

Run :checkhealth.

Updating Plugins

Run :PlugUpdate.

Installing New Plugins

Run :PlugInstall. The installation process only runs when vim-plug is downloaded and installed the first time. If more plugins are added to the configuration, you must run :PlugInstall to install them.


Run scoop update * regularly to pull the latest versions of packages previously installed.