
Fake laptop store app created using ES6 JS, NodeJS, NPM, Node-SASS(scss synthax), 7-1 pattern and BEM (Block__element--modifier) synthax.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Welcome to Laptop store 👋

GitHub package.json version GitHub repo size

Fake laptop store app created using ES6 JS, NodeJS, NPM, Node-SASS(scss synthax), 7-1 pattern and BEM (Block__element--modifier) synthax.


npm install 
# This will install Dev Dependencies locally based on package.json

Usage (If you want to make any modifications to files)

npm run start # This will run node server.js
# OR

Then just open your browser and type either or localhost:1337 to access the main page.

If you want to make changes to CSS eg. (SASS folder --> scss files)

# You will have to run this:
npm run watch:sass
# This will continuously watch for scss files changes and reload the page with these changes


👤 Slashflex (David)

Result can be seen here

Laptop store

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