
Landing page for a game created using Native Javascript, JQuery, SASS(scss synthax), 7-1 pattern and BEM methodology.

Primary LanguageCSS

Welcome to Pig Game 👋

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Game created using Native Javascript, JQuery, SASS(scss synthax), 7-1 pattern and BEM methodology.


  • The game has 2 players, playing in rounds
  • In each turn, a player rolls a dice as many times as he whishes. Each result get added to his ROUND score
  • BUT, if the player rolls a 1, all his ROUND score gets lost. After that, it's the next player's turn
  • The player can choose to 'Hold', which means that his ROUND score gets added to his GLBAL score. After that, it's the next player's turn
  • The first player to reach 100 points on GLOBAL score wins the game
  • You can now specify your own winning score, if not set, 100 will be set by default.


npm install 
# This will install node-sass locally based on package.json

Usage (If you want to make modifications to SCSS files)

npm run compile:sass 
# This will run a script from package.json which compiles scss files into css
npm run concat:css
# This will concat the above script
npm run prefix:css
# This will add prefix for browser supports to a new file eg.(css/style.prefix.css)
npm run compress:css
# This will compress css/style.prefix.css into css/style.css
npm run build:css
# This will run all of 4 above scripts to run into a single one 
# (if css files gets deleted, this will regenerate them based on sass folder's files)


👤 Slashflex (David)

Result can be seen here

Pig Game

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