Published Portfolio Website

Deployed Website

Click here to visit my site.

Portfolio Ed Workspace

Click here to visit my Ed workspace.


The purpose of this project was to develop a website which would showcase my skills, experience and a portfolio of projects to potential employers and clients.


The website was deisgned to be responsive. It will change to the narrow mobile/tablet deisgn when screen size drops below 960px.

The profile card and navbar remain stationary in desktop view while the main content to the right scrolls as required.

In mobile/tablet the navbar becomes horizontal and sticks to the top of the page while all other content scrolls.




Desktop landing page

Desktop projects page

Desktop blog page

Desktop contact page

Mobile top page

Target Audience

The target audience for this project was web development companies looking for potential employees.

Tech Stack

The technology used in the creation of this page was:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Netlify
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
  • Github