Kuzmin Vyasceslav diplom 2019 Simple real-time graphics library (my opengl)

Primary LanguageC++

Simple graphics library

Build Status

About library

SKGL is a simple graphics library implementation (my opengl implementation) that render on real-time 3D objects in OBJ file format. This is not famework or graphics engine, this is self implementation of open gl.

Hardware render

This library used CUDA SDK for render 3D objects on graphics accelerator.

Result render

rendered on library image

Example on YouTube: https://youtu.be/E1w57muC8z0

Library based on github project: https://github.com/ssloy/tinyrenderer For UI used nuklear :https://github.com/vurtun/nuklear For change screen buffers used SDL 2.0, because operation system deny write directly to video memory.

P.S. Is my diploma work for KPI, Kiev 2019. Name SKGL is abbriviation of Slavick Kuzmin Graphics Library.