
Version history for Eloquent models.

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Save a history of your model edits. Storage format inspired by, and probably compatible with, makasim/datadiff.


datadiff-laravel was developed for Laravel 4.2 in mind. Your mileage with Laravel 5+ may vary.

This package uses ElasticSearch as a storage solution. We recommend setting up a separate index to hold the diffs since their format may conflict with things like Elasticquent.


composer require sleavely/datadiff-laravel


Next, we'll need to tell Laravel we exist. In your config/app.php:


return array(
  // ...
  'providers' => array(
    // ...

  // ...
  'aliases' => array(
    // ...
    'Datadiff' => 'Sleavely\Datadiff\Facades\DatadiffFacade',

Next, we'll configure storage. Running php artisan config:publish sleavely/datadiff will place the following in app/config/packages/sleavely/datadiff/config.php:


return array(
  'storage' => 'elasticsearch',

  'elasticsearch' => array(
    'hosts' => array(
    'index' => 'datadiffs',


In your app/start/global.php, add the following, for each model you wish to store diffs for:

// ...

MyEloquentPostModel::observe(new \Sleavely\Datadiff\DatadiffObserver);
MyEloquentCommentModel::observe(new \Sleavely\Datadiff\DatadiffObserver);

And in the model:


class MyEloquentPostModel extends Eloquent {
  use \Sleavely\Datadiff\DatadiffTrait;


Viewing diffs

Because we added the DatadiffTrait to our model, we can do cool stuff like:

$post = Post::find(123);
$version = $post->diff_version; // 3, there are two older versions
$latestCommit = $post->diff(); // Returns latest version commit
$firstCommit = $post->diff(1); // Fetch version 1

$newPost = new Post;
$newPost->diff_version; // null
$newPost->diff(); // null

A commit object looks like:

  "data": {
    "id": 123,
    "title": "my post",
    "body": "foo",
    "created_at": "2015-07-21T02:56:47+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2015-07-21T02:56:47+00:00"
  "diff": [],
  "meta": {
    "my_custom_property": "hello world!"

Appending metadata

You can append data by setting the diff_meta property on an Eloquent model before saving:


$post = Post::find(123);
$post->diff_meta = [
  'my_custom_property' => 'hello world!',
  'author_id' => Auth::user()->id,

If you dont want to set diff_meta every time, you can declare your own accessor to automatically set the metadata for the commit:


class MyEloquentPostModel extends Eloquent {
  use \Sleavely\Datadiff\DatadiffTrait;

  public function getDiffMetaAttribute($value)
    return [
      'my_custom_property' => 'hello world!',
      'author_id' => Auth::user()->id,

Comparing objects

You can generate a diff for two arrays with the static compare method provided by the Datadiff facade.
Objects that implement ArrayableInterface are okay too. :)

$obj1 = Post::find(111);
$obj2 = Post::find(222);
$diff = Datadiff::compare($obj1, $obj2);

The comparison is made with mikemccabe/json-patch-php and returns an array with JSON Patch operations.

Visualizing diffs in the browser

I recommend the autonomous package benjamine/jsondiffpatch for showing diffs. At it's core, this is all you'll have to do:

var commits = "Datadiff::getCommits($model->getTable(), $model->getAttribute($model->getKeyName())) in PHP";
var i = commits.length - 1;
var diffdelta = jsondiffpatch.diff(
  commits[i - 1].data,

var left = undefined;
// left is optional, if specified unchanged values will be visible too
left = commits[i - 1].data;

document.getElementById('diff').innerHTML = jsondiffpatch.formatters.html.format(diffdelta, left);


Pull requests are appreciated and encouraged!

composer update --dev


All tests extend Sleavely\Datadiff\Tests\TestCase. To run the suite:
