
Compare 👥 and extract 🔬 differences between JSON values

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Easily compare changes in JSON-like values. This can be especially useful when you want to compare an incoming payload with a counterpart stored in a database.

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First, let's define our flags in a file we'll call permissions.js:

const diff = require('json-changes')

const before = { hello: 'world', foo: 'bar', thisPropertyNoLongerExists: true }
const after = { hello: 'world', foo: 'not bar' }

const comparison = diff(before, after)
// returns:
  before: {
    foo: 'bar',
    thisPropertyNoLongerExists: true
  after: {
    // Only properties that changed are included
    foo: 'not bar',
    // Properties that have been removed have an undefined value;
    thisPropertyNoLongerExists: undefined

It works recursively in nested objects as well:

const before = { nestedObj: {} }
const after = { nestedObj: { evenMoreNestedObject: { thisPropIsNew: 'Hello, new property!' } } }

const comparison = diff(before, after)
// returns:
  before: {
    nestedObj: { evenMoreNestedObject: undefined }
  after: {
    nestedObj: {
      evenMoreNestedObject: {
        thisPropIsNew: 'Hello, new property!'

undefined values

Encountering an undefined value in the comparison means that the property either did not exist in before or was removed in after.

json-changes is primarily meant to be used to compare JSON, so undefined is assumed to never be used in the payloads being compared.