
ASP.NET Core Scaffolding with PostGres Login/Registration

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Slebluue ASP.NET CORE 1.1 Scaffolding

One of many C# ASP.NET Core - Yeoman Generators

Generator built to offer a very simple project layout and starting place. Offers the ability to toggle usage of the following front-end packages/frameworks:

  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • jQuery Validation


The original version of this was created for simple scaffolding of a ASP.NET Core project. It has been updated to include a login/registration off the bat as well as a success login page where the other necessary code can be started.

Original Version: https://github.com/Serghar/CANDYMAN

Original Author: https://github.com/Serghar


Install: npm install -g generator-slebluue

Run yo slebluue, optionally passing an app name

yo slebluue [app=name]

Once installed navigate into newly created folder and run dotnet restore

This specific instance is created to integrate with PostGres. Navigate to appsettings.json and change your connection info accordingly. After settings are updated run:

dotnet ef migrations add FirstMigration
dotnet ef database update



Originially built for student use at Coding Dojo bootcamp