ADB Media Player (React Car Media Player)

A simple media player for Android using ADB, React and Neutralinojs.

media-player-preview media-player-playing

Prepare environment:

cd ui
bun install

Run the app:

neu run -- --mode=browser 

This project aims to be integrated with Raspberry Pi and a car display. The idea is to have a simple media player that can be controlled by the car's steering wheel buttons (there are plans to use in built stereo touch screen as well).

Application can be tested by just running the app as specified above and having an Android device connected to the computer that is already authorized for ADB.

Commands to prepare Raspberry Pi

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y adb omxplayer luajit nodejs
sudo plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initrd pix
# Add autostart files
# Mount services to start on boot
# Add configuration for raspi-config