
PHP template allows linking to any folder or file without manually navigating up directories with ../

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Magic Linking Template


You often store each page in a separate folder to allow more readable URLs. Instead of mySite.com/about_us_page.php, you want mySite.com/about. So put an index.php in the folder about/ (mySite.com/about is equivalent to mySite.com/about/index.php)

You can have multiple sub-directories: a main Gallery Page mySite.com/gallery that lists the individual sub-galleries like mySite.com/gallery/indoor or mySite.com/gallery/outdoor

But you run into trouble linking between pages. Small sites can get away with index.php, about.php, gallery1.php, gallery2.php etc. in the same folder, but it's not organized or scalable. If all pages were in the same folder, you could use 1 copy of global navigation called nav.php & use a php include to keep the navigation consistent. But nested sub-directories cause problems.

A cheater "solution" is to have a copy of nav.php for each level of directories
DON'T TRY THIS! Trust me, it's a pain to maintain 3 copies of nav.php when you just want to change 1 link.

The Situation (Problematic Linking)

  • Going from the Homepage (index.php in the root folder of mySite.com) to About would be href="about/" or href="about/index.php"
  • Linking 2-directories down would be href=gallery/indoor/
  • Linking from the Homepage always goes down into sub-directories, so no ../ are needed
  • From the About Page back up to the homepage would be href="../" or href="../index.php"
  • Linking to a Gallery Page would be href="../gallery/indoor
  • And from the Indoor Galley all the way to About would be href="../../about/"
  • 3 different links to the same Galley Page is no good!

The Solution

  • Act as if all links start in the root folder (where the Homepage is)
  • This code analyzes the URL to find how many folders below the root directory the current page is
  • Add <?php echo $upFolderPlaceHolder ?> before any link
  • The manual link from About to Home <a href="index.php">Home</a>
  • Becomes <a href="<?php echo $upFolderPlaceHolder ?>index.php">Home</a> & will work from any level directory
  • Code in top.php magically prints the correct number of ../ in your link

Major Features (click link to jump to section)

  1. Link to any page without using ../ EVER AGAIN!
    (also applies to css, images & any files on your site)
  2. Consistent nav on all pages (using the same php include)
  3. Identify the current page & highlight the current link in nav menu (so the user knows where they are)
  4. Automatic Breadcrumb links
  5. Automatic Meta descriptions stored in easily-editable text file
  6. <title> Tags that match the current page
  7. Print the page name in <h1> automatically (no hard-coding)
  8. Print unique IDs for each page in <body> tags
    Use css to apply styles to only 1 page

Code Details

Your Folder Setup

  • Every viewable page should be called index.php

    (Since all pages are index.php, a file's parent folder/containing folder is VERY important to identify the current page)

  • Folder names should be lowercase, NO SPACES

  • Folder names BECOME the Page Title (stored in $pageTitle

  1. - (hyphen characters) will be replaced with / (forward-slashes)
  2. _ (underscores) will be replaced with spaces
  3. First letter of each word will be Capitalized

The folder "our_prices-services" becomes "Our Prices / Services"
Search/Ctrl+F "convFolder2PgTitle" in top.php to edit the function. (Maybe you don't want to replace underscores)

This Project's Default Folder Setup (what files go where)

  • The Homepage goes in your site's root directory (default is php-magic-linking for THIS project)
  • about/index.php gets its own folder since it's on the same level of the nav as Home
  • portfolio/index.php and tests/index.php are also on the same level of the nav as Home
    (They're mostly placeholder pages used for breadcrumb trails)
  • portfolio/portfolio_1/index.php and tests/test_1/index.php are 1-level dropdown pages
  • portfolio/examples/example_1/index.php is a 2nd-level dropdown page
  • images/ contains ALL images
    There are many ways to organize your images, so modify as you wish
  • non-pages/ contains anything that ISN'T a complete page
  • php-include/ has partial components that are assembled to create complete pages
  • css/ has the stylesheets
  • descriptions/ has a text file for Meta tag page descriptions

Finding Your Root directory ($ROOT_DIRECTORY variable)

  • Upload setup.php to your web server & view the page
  • Or just view setup.php on localhost
  • This tells you the containing folder (like pwd in command line), the value you should store in $ROOT_DIRECTORY
  • Some common folders are public_html or www-root


  • Rename php-magic-linking to your site's root directory (found just above)
  • Edit line 12 in top.php to match
    $ROOT_DIRECTORY = "php-magic-linking"; (this should match, or be changed)
  • (e.g. $ROOT_DIRECTORY is my-folder but the complete path is mysite.com/my-folder/dev/site1/my-folder
  • Notice 2 occurrences of my-folder
  • Search/Ctrl+F for the line: for ($i = 0; $i < count($split_url); $i++){
  • Look 3 lines later for         break;
  • COMMENT OUT OR REMOVE the      break;
  • Every page must manually link to top.php BEFORE ANY OTHER PHP CODE!
    This allows you to use $upFolderPlaceholder later in the page
  • Homepage link: <?php include("non-pages/php-include/top.php"); ?>
  • 1 folder Level below homepage (e.g. /about/index.php, /portfolio/index.php etc.) is
    <?php include("../non-pages/php-include/top.php"); ?>
  • 2 Levels below (e.g. /portfolio/examples/index.php) is
    <?php include("../../non-pages/php-include/top.php"); ?>
  • 3 Levels below (e.g. /portfolio/examples/example_1/index.php) is
    <?php include("../../../non-pages/php-include/top.php"); ?>
  • Search/Ctrl+F "36714768356" in top.php (section to list all YOUR pages)
  1. Put all top-level pages (including $ROOT_DIRECTORY for Homepage) in $pageArrayTop
    $pageArrayTop = array($ROOT_DIRECTORY, 'portfolio', 'tests', 'about'); //this is the default code
    Replace with your pages, EXACT FOLDER NAMES (case sensitive)
  2. Put ALL 1st-level-dropdown pages in $pageArrayDropDown1
    $pageArrayDropDown1 = array ('portfolio_1', 'portfolio_2', 'examples', 'test_1', 'test_2'); //default code
  3. Put ALL 2nd-level-dropdown pages in $pageArrayDropDown1
    $pageArrayDropDown2 = array ('example_1'); //default code
  • ORDER DOESN'T MATTER, but don't leave out any pages!

More Optional Things To Edit

  • Replace default Favicon in images/0_components/favicon.png
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<?php echo $upFolderPlaceholder ?>images/0_components/favicon.png"> in top.php
  • Replace default logo in images/logo/logo.png
    Search for <div id="logo"> in nav.php to see where it's used
  • Update <meta name="author" content="Your Name"> to your name/company in top.php
  • Add your site's tagline
    $tagLine = " - Your Tagline"; in top.php
    This appears in the <title> tag. Like " - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" at the end of every Wikipedia Page
  • Breadcrumbs are optional. To remove: Simply delete or move the <section class="breadcrumbs">...</section> tag in header.php
  • Add page descriptions to appear in <meta name="description" content="your description here">
    (You edit non-pages/descriptions/descriptions.txt JUMP TO DETAILS SECTION ⇓)

Page Structure (Anatomy of a Page, PHP Includes)

Viewable pages constructed from partials in non-pages/php-include/ as follows:

  1. top.php begins the HTML file. It has everything in the <head> section & important URL magic happens here
    It uses 2 php includes at the end to render nav.php and header.php
  2. nav.php contains Global Navigation (1 copy for all pages)
  3. header.php can contain a Global logo, site title, slideshow, etc.
    CURRENTLY IT ALSO CONTAINS Breadcrumbs. See details to remove them ⇓
    <main id="actualMainContent"> tag is opened in header.php but closed in each index.php page
  4. Unique page content goes in each index.php file (e.g. homepage, about, etc.)
    Must include the Footer near end <?php include($upFolderPlaceholder . "non-pages/php-include/footer.php"); ?>
  5. footer.php is for any content you want at the bottom of every page
  • Feel free to rearrange the php includes but make sure the tags are nested correctly
  • Notably, opening <main> in header.php, currently closed in each index.php page**
  • View Page Source & look for HTML comments like <!-- header.php --> and <!-- end header.php -->
    If the PHP includes are confusing, this helps show how render the actual page


  • Once top.php is included, use $upFolderPlaceHolder to print the correct number of ../
  • Simply add <?php echo $upFolderPlaceHolder ?> anywhere you usually put ../
  • Navigation Links:
    <a href="<?php echo $upFolderPlaceholder ?>index.php">Home</a>
  • CSS:
    <link href='<?php echo $upFolderPlaceholder ?>non-pages/css/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' />
  • Images:
    <img src="<?php echo $upFolderPlaceholder ?>images/logo/logo.png" alt="Your Logo">
  • PHP Includes:
    <?php include ($upFolderPlaceholder."non-pages/php-include/nav.php");?> or <?php include($upFolderPlaceholder . "non-pages/php-include/footer.php"); ?>
    (this uses . to concatenate 2 things & create a complete URL path)

Consistent Navigation (nav.php)

  • Anatomy of a link:
  • <li><a <?php echo 'href="'.$upFolderPlaceholder.'portfolio/portfolio_1/index.php"' . ' class="'.$activePageArrayDropDown1['portfolio_1'].'"'; ?>>Portfolio 1</a></li>
  • <a <?php echo 'href="'.$upFolderPlaceholder.'portfolio/portfolio_1/index.php"' is the part that prints the href
  • . ' class="'.$activePageArrayDropDown1['portfolio_1'].'"'; ?>>Portfolio 1</a> finishes the link & checks if it's an Active Page (DETAILS IN NEXT SECTION⇓)
    Starts with . since PHP is concatenating things together
  • The boring link would just be
    <li><a <?php echo 'href="'.$upFolderPlaceholder.'portfolio/portfolio_1/index.php">Portfolio 1</a></li>
    "drop-2" in <label for="drop-2" class="toggle">Portfolio +</label> matches "drop-2" in <input type="checkbox" id="drop-2"/>
  • This is really a feature of the current menu, which is another git project
  • The point is: each dropdown has a unique <input> ID matching the for="___" in the <label>

Highlight Current Page in Nav

  • . ' class="'.$activePageArrayDropDown1['portfolio_1'].'"'; ?>>Portfolio 1</a> (this is the 2nd part of the LINK FROM JUST ABOVE)
  • It will yield class="activePage" if the folder in the nav matches a folder in the CURRENT URL
  • $activePageArrayDropDown1 is created in top.php
  • It's an associative array with keys matching the 1st-level dropdown folders
  • Its values should be empty, EXCEPT for 1 key which will have activePage stored in it
  • If Portfolio 1 is in the path in the URL (the portfolio_1 folder ), $activePageArrayDropDown1['portfolio_1'] will have the value activePage stored in it
  • Use CSS to style the activePage class background differently
    currently accomplished in last lines of non-pages/css/menu.css
.activePage {
    background: #178f26;
  • non-pages/css/menu.less can be ignored if you aren't familiar with .less files. Basically it's a fancy version of CSS which is compiled to normal CSS yielding the non-pages/css/menu.css file
    Check out Less.js to learn more

Breadcrumb Trail Links

  • Located in non-pages/php-include/header.php
  • Prints breadcrumbs to show how to user got to the current page (breadcrumbs explained)
  • None appear on the Homepage
    (I mean, what's the point. It's the highest level page)
  • If you don't want breadcrumbs, just remove the php code inside <section class="breadcrumbs">...</section> in header.php
  • Or move that code anywhere else to display breadcrumbs in a different location on the page
  • I recommend keeping <section class="breadcrumbs">...</section> in some type of php include That way you only have to change 1 file (e.g. header.php) to modify links in the future
  • Uses $split_url_adjusted array
  1. Breaks apart the URL into folders
  2. Starts at the beginning & prints an href link to each folder
  3. Actual link text is found by calling the function convFolder2PgTitle()
    This converts a folder like portfolio_1 to a human readable title like Portfolio 1 (exact rules described earlier ⇈)
  4. The final "crumb" in the chain is the current page. This is bolded, BUT NOT A LINK!

Meta Tag Page Descriptions

  • These are <meta name="description" content="your description here"> tags for search engines
  • Based on $pageArrayTop, $pageArrayDropDown1, $pageArrayDropDown2 etc.
  • As long as your pages are in these arrays, you just need to edit the text file

non-pages/descriptions/descriptions.txt is very simple:

  1. Each line contains 1 page description
  2. The 1st word is the exact folder name
  3. Everything AFTER the 1st space is the description
  4. So anything AFTER the 1st word will replace <?php echo $pageMeteDescriptions[$containing_folder] ?> in <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $pageMeteDescriptions[$containing_folder] ?>"> in the top.php file
  • If you don't care about page descriptions, replace <?php echo $pageMeteDescriptions[$containing_folder] ?> with a Global description for all pages.
  • Like this: <meta name="description" content="My awesome site description ...">

Easy <title> Tags

  • top.php will print the human-readable Page Title (based on the containing folder)
  • Then it will append your tagline to the end
    Search for $tagLine = " - Your Tagline"; in top.php if you need to change the tagline
  • <title><?php echo $pageTitle.$tagLine ; ?></title> actually prints it

Print Automatic Page Name in <h1>

  • Similar to <title> tags, you can just print the $pageTitle variable in an <h1> to start every page
  • It's a good practice for <title> text & <h1> for the Page Title to match.
    This helps search engine as well as visitors
    This is the whole purpose for the $pageTitle variable
  • <h1><?php echo $pageTitle . $tagLine; ?></h1>
  • This is from 1 of the index.php pages, but you choose to add it to header.php or move it elsewhere

Unique Page IDs in <body> tag

  • Ever need to apply a css rule to just 1 specific page?
  • It's easily accomplished with an ID in the <body> tag
  • Since all pages are called index.php you can't use filenames
  • So you use $containing_folder as the ID since they're all unique
  • echo '<body id="'.$containing_folder.'">'; (from the end of top.php)
  • The $containing_folder for $ROOT_DIRECTORY (the Homepage) has been adjusted to "index"
    This is to allow easy migration of the site. Nothing relies directly on the value of $ROOT_DIRECTORY, we always access it via the variable so it can easily be changed
  • IDs have higher CSS specificity than classes, so overriding a global rule only on the Portfolio 1 Page
  • echo '<body id="'.$containing_folder.'">'; in top.php will become <body id="portfolio_1">
#portfolio_1 /*optionally add more CSS selectors here */ {
  /*new css rules here*/

#index {
  /*CSS rules to override stuff for the HOMEPAGE only*/

Extra Notes

Future Feature Goals