
The Node API backend for the Sleep Tracker app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Sleep Tracker API Documentation v1.1.57

A Postgres API server using Node, Express, bcrypt and token-based authentication using JWTs.



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The API is deployed on the Heroku free tier. Please allow 5-10 seconds for Heroku to "wake up" the connection when using an endpoint for the first time that day.

The url to the deployed server is: https://sleeptrackerbw.herokuapp.com/

Data Standardization

Tips for Accessing the Data Using Axios

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Since axios returns data in an object that also has a data property, you should plan to access the data from the API requests by referencing res.data.data. If you would prefer to rename the data property of the object returned by axios, then using interceptors is probably the most expedient method to rename it from data to body (to mimic the shape returned by the fetch API)

Standard Response Parameters - Parameter

Name Type Description
message String

A status message

validation Array

An array of validation errors

data Object

An object containing any data returned by the resource

Response example

Response example - Standard Response Shape

HTTP 1.1/*
 "message": "",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {}

Using Axios Interceptors to Reshape the Response

export const axiosWithAuth = () => {
 const instance = axios.create({
   baseURL: "http://localhost:5000/api",
   headers: {
     authorization: localStorage.getItem("token"),
 // Reshape the response to avoid res.data.data
 // Use the res.body shape, similar to the fetch API
 instance.interceptors.response.use((response) => {
   const body = { ...response.data };
   delete response.data; // remove the data property
   return { ...response, body };
 return instance


Login a User

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Logs In a User

POST /api/login

Parameters - Parameter

Name Type Description
username String

The username for the new user

password String

The password for the new user

Parameters examples

json - Request Example:

  "username": "david1234",
  "password": "1234"

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
user Object

The user object and the token

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200: Success
 "message": "Welcome, david1234!",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {
   "user": {
     "id": 3,
     "username": "david1234",
     "role": 1,
     "first_name": "David",
     "last_name": "White",
     "email": null
   "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey..."

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

  "message": "Invalid Credentials",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}

Error response example - Username Not Found:

  "message": "Invalid Username",
  "validation": ["There was a problem retrieving the username"],
  "data": {}

Registers a new user

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Registers a New User

POST /api/register

Parameters - Parameter

Name Type Description
username String

The username for the new user

password String

The password for the new user

role Integer

The role for the new user

first_name String optional

The first name for the new user

last_name String optional

The last name for the new user

email String optional

The email for the new user

Parameters examples

json - Request Example:

  "username": "david1234",
  "password": "1234",
  "role": 1,
  "first_name": "David",
  "last_name": "White"

Success response

Success response - Created 201

Name Type Description
user Object

The object containing the new user data

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 201: Created
 "message": "Registered david1234 successfully",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {
   "user": {
     "id": 3,
     "username": "david1234",
     "role": 1,
     "first_name": "David",
     "last_name": "White",
     "email": null

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Username:

HTTP/1.1 400: Bad Request
 "message": "Invalid Username",
 "validation": [
   "Username is invalid"
 "data": {}


Delete a mood record by id

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Delete a mood record by id

DELETE /api/mood/:id

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
message Object

The standard shape with a success message is sent back

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 204: No Content
  "message": "The mood entry with id 1 has been successfully deleted",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

  "message": "Invalid Credentials",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}

Error response example - Server Error (e.g. empty update sent):

  "message": "There was a problem completing the required operation",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}


Delete a sleep record by id

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Delete a sleep record by id

DELETE /api/sleep/:id

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
message Object

The standard shape with a success message is sent back

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 204: No Content
  "message": "The sleep entry with id 1 has been successfully deleted",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

HTTP/1.1 401: Unauthorized
 "message": "Invalid Credentials",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {}

Error response example - Server Error (e.g. malformed or empty request sent):

HTTP/1.1 500: Server Error
 "message": "There was a problem completing the required operation",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {}

Get All Sleep

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Get All Sleep, with optional query string support

GET /api/sleep


Using start and end query params to filter the data by date:

GET /api/sleep?start='4/01/2020'&end='4/17/2020'

Use the page and limit query params to enable pagination:

GET /api/sleep?limit=10&page=2

Combine both date and pagination query string params if desired

GET /api/sleep?start='4/01/2020'&end='4/17/2020'&limit=10&page=2

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
sleep Array

An array of objects with the sleep information

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200: OK
  "message": "Success",
  "validation": [],
  "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "user_id": 3,
            "sleep_start": "1585782000000",
            "sleep_end": "1585832400000",
            "start_formatted": "04/01/2020 11:00 PM",
            "end_formatted": "04/02/2020 1:00 PM",
            "sleep_goal": 11,
            "sleep_hours": 14,
            "mood_waking": 4,
            "mood_day": 1,
            "mood_bedtime": 4
            "id": 2,
            "user_id": 3,
            "sleep_start": "1585868400000",
            "sleep_end": "1585915200000",
            "start_formatted": "04/02/2020 11:00 PM",
            "end_formatted": "04/03/2020 12:00 PM",
            "sleep_goal": 8,
            "sleep_hours": 13,
            "mood_waking": 3,
            "mood_day": 1,
            "mood_bedtime": 1
            "id": 3,
            "user_id": 3,
            "sleep_start": "1585947600000",
            "sleep_end": "1585969200000",
            "start_formatted": "04/03/2020 9:00 PM",
            "end_formatted": "04/04/2020 3:00 AM",
            "sleep_goal": 10,
            "sleep_hours": 6,
            "mood_waking": 3,
            "mood_day": 1,
            "mood_bedtime": 4

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

HTTP/1.1 401: Unauthorized
 "message": "Invalid Credentials",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {}

Get Sleep by Id

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Get Sleep By Id

GET /api/sleep/:id

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
sleep Array

An array with an object with the sleep information

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200: OK
   "message": "Success",
   "validation": [],
   "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "user_id": 3,
            "sleep_start": "1585782000000",
            "sleep_end": "1585832400000",
            "start_formatted": "04/01/2020 11:00 PM",
            "end_formatted": "04/02/2020 1:00 PM",
            "sleep_goal": 11,
            "sleep_hours": 14,
            "mood_waking": 4,
            "mood_day": 1,
            "mood_bedtime": 4

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

HTTP/1.1 401: Unauthorized
 "message": "Invalid Credentials",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {}

Insert a sleep record

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Add a sleep record

POST /api/sleep

Parameters - Parameter

Name Type Description
sleep_start Integer

The start time for the sleep entry

sleep_end Integer

The end time for the sleep entry

user_id Integer

The user id of the person who slept

mood_waking Integer

The user's mood score on waking (1-4)

mood_day Integer

The user's mood score during the day (1-4)

mood_bedtime Integer

The user's mood score at bedtime (1-4)

Parameters examples

json - Request Example:

  "sleep_start": 1588039200000,
  "sleep_end": 1588068000000,
  "sleep_goal": 6,
  "user_id": 3,
  "mood_waking": 4,
  "mood_day": 3,
  "mood_bedtime": 2

Success response

Success response - Created 201

Name Type Description
sleep Array

An array with the object with the information

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 201: Created
  "message": "The sleep entry has been successfully added",
  "validation": [],
  "data": [
          "id": 1,
          "sleep_start": 1588039200000,
          "sleep_end": 1588068000000,
          "sleep_goal": 6,
          "user_id": 3,
          "mood_waking": 4,
          "mood_day": 3,
          "mood_bedtime": 2

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

HTTP/1.1 401: Unauthorized
 "message": "Invalid Credentials",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {}

Update a sleep record by id

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Update a sleep record by id

PUT /api/sleep/:id

Parameters - Parameter

Name Type Description
property Object

Any property on the sleep record

Parameters examples

json - Request Example:

  "sleep_end": 1588068000000

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
sleep Array

An array with the object with the updated information

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200: OK
  "message": "The sleep entry has been successfully updated",
  "validation": [],
  "data": [
          "id": 1,
          "sleep_start": 1588039200000,
          "sleep_end": 1588068000000,
          "sleep_goal": 6,
          "user_id": 3,
          "mood_waking": 4,
          "mood_day": 3,
          "mood_bedtime": 2

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

HTTP/1.1 401: Unauthorized
 "message": "Invalid Credentials",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {}

Error response example - Server Error (e.g. malformed or empty request sent):

HTTP/1.1 500: Server Error
 "message": "There was a problem completing the required operation",
 "validation": [],
 "data": {}


Get All Users

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Get All Users

GET /api/users

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
users Array

An array of user objects

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200: OK
  "message": "Success",
  "validation": [],
  "data": [
          "id": 1,
          "username": "test1",
          "role": 1,
          "first_name": "Test",
          "last_name": "User 1",
          "email": "test@testing.com"
          "id": 2,
          "username": "test2",
          "role": 1,
          "first_name": "Test",
          "last_name": "User 2",
          "email": "test@testing.com"
          "id": 3,
          "username": "test3",
          "role": 1,
          "first_name": "Test",
          "last_name": "User 3",
          "email": "test@testing.com"

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

  "message": "Invalid Credentials",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}

Get a User by Id

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Get a User by Id

GET /api/users/:id

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
user Object

An object with the user information

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200: OK
  "message": "Success",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {
           "id": 1,
           "username": "test1",
           "role": 1,
           "first_name": "Test",
           "last_name": "User 1",
           "email": "test@testing.com"

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

  "message": "Invalid Credentials",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}

Update a User by Id

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Update a User by Id

PUT /api/users/:id

Parameters - Parameter

Name Type Description
property Object

Any property on the user record

Parameters examples

json - Request Example:

  "role": 2,
  "first_name": "Updated Test"

Success response

Success response - Success 200

Name Type Description
user Object

An object with the updated information

Success response example

Success response example - Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200: OK
  "message": "Success",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {
           "id": 1,
           "username": "test1",
           "role": 2,
           "first_name": "Updated Test",
           "last_name": "User 1",
           "email": "test@testing.com"

Error response example

Error response example - Invalid Credentials:

  "message": "Invalid Credentials",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}

Error response example - Server Error (e.g. empty update sent):

  "message": "There was a problem completing the required operation",
  "validation": [],
  "data": {}