
pretty lights

Primary LanguageC++

Visuals ~

This repo must be inside OpenFramework's library folder in order to compile the programs

i.e. install OpenFrameworks then place this repository at openFrameworks/apps/[thisrepo]



This animation can be compiled and visualized by cd /Visuals/YingYangTunnel && make && make run.

Source code is in the YingYangTunnel directory.

A high resolution preview of the result can be downloaded here: https://github.com/Sleepful/Visuals/blob/master/YingYangTunnel/output/Spin.mov

A gif preview can be found here, but in gif it is quite slow, you have to look at it long enough to appreciate it:




useful commands

make: build project

make run: run project

make copy_dlls: copies dlls from project (if running with msys2)

to install OF

clone OF repo, then run the install scripts at openFrameworks/scripts, and add this repo in the /apps subfolder of OF (as submodule or just copy paste it)

to run on windows with msys2 installed

add to windows path:

  • c:\msys64\mingw32\bin (or mingw64 depending)
  • c:\msys64\usr\bin

in order for windows to find the dlls without having to use make copy_dlls