Advanced Minecraft AntiCheat Base
This project was created so that any person who cannot create a good base for anti-cheat or is just lazy can instantly get a convenient and easy-to-use base.
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Q: What is the advantage of this base?
A: Let's try to highlight the main ones:
- API. This base has ready to use Bukkit API, which contains a simple event flag system, and the ability to create your own check from another project.
public void onFlag(ACNameFlagEvent acEvent) {
ACNameCheckAPI checkAPI = acEvent.getCheckAPI();
String.format("player=%s, checkType=%s, checkName=%s",
// Output: player=koloslolya, checkType=UTIL, checkName=Example (A)
- Command Manager. Convenient command creation system and ready-made language utils.
- Theme Manager. The user can easily change any anti-cheat message at any time.
- Packet Wrappers. Easy-to-understand AntiCheatEvent system, for which you do not need to know the entire MineCraft protocol.
- Easy to change. The base, despite its convenience and practicality, is easily changed, at any time you can remake the base for yourself without changing other components of the project.
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Q: What is the VL system?
A: Each check has its own violation value
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Q: How to add a Check?
A: Ah, it's simple:
- Create a class that extends
- Create constructor:
public Example(Data data) {
super(data /* Player Data */,
CheckType.UTIL /* Check type */,
"Example (A)" /* Check verbose name */,
"ExampleA" /* Config check name */,
DevelopmentState.DEVELOPMENT /* Development state of check */
- Override the handler method and make your check:
public void process(AntiCheatEvent event) {
if (event instanceof ClientFlying) {
float pitch = ((ClientFlying) event).getTo().getPitch();
if (pitch > 90) {
flag("illegal pitch -> " + pitch);
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Q: How to cache config values? I heard it is useful for optimization.
A: Use for it!
public static void tutorialValueCaching() {
// Getting value from config with "isEasy" key
String valueFromConfig = ConfigCache.Config.getString("isEasy");
// ConfigCache.Language.getString() method automatically searches for a given theme
String themeCachedValue = ConfigCache.Language.getString("tutorialValueCaching");
// Output to spigot chat
Bukkit.broadcastMessage(themeCachedValue.replace("%iseasy%", valueFromConfig));
"// Output: You ask, is it easy? The program will give the answer: true"
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Q: Should it only support 1.8?
A: No. You can use any version of the spigot with this base without fear of incompatibility with the version
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Q: And what are the dependencies of this project?
A: You nee only latest Spigot jar and ProtocolLib for packet listeners.
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Q: What about performance? There must be some problems?
A: This base was tested with ~15 common checks with stress test higher than 75 players and have stable 20 TPS!
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To download you must just:
- Download project from github.
- Rename ACName to your anticheat name If you are using Intellij IDEA you can use Ctrl+Shift+R for it
- Compile it with Maven.