
Light Weight ORM which convert Hive Table records on HDFS to an Java object using annotation.

Primary LanguageJava


Light Weight ORM which convert Hive Table records on HDFS to an Java object using annotation.


Lets assume you have following table in Hive

hive> describe student; OK name string age int phoneno double subject array numbers map<string,int> size structst:string union uniontype<int,string>

To Map Java Student class, following is class information: Using Student Class assuming thrift server is running on machine and port 9083

public class Main 

 public static void main(String args[]) throws TException, DbConfigAnnotaionMissingException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, FactoryInstantiationException {
      HiveBuilderFactory hiveBuilderFactory = HiveBuilderFactory.Instance("thrift://");
      Text studentRecords = new Text("Akash,1,7798987147,,,");
      Student student = hiveBuilderFactory.deSerialize(Student.class, studentRecords);

  @HiveDbConfig(db="test",table ="student")
  public class Student {

    String name;
    Integer age;
    Double phoneNo;
    String subject;
    String numbers;
    String size;
    String uni;

This will result in output

1 7.798987147E9 Akash null