
Yeoman, Gulp, SaSS, Kirby CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

mlkshk-kirby-generator 0.1.3

Yeoman, Gulp, SaSS, Kirby CMS


  • Make sure you have Node Installed.
  • Make sure you have Yeoman Installed

Set up

  1. npm install generator-mlkshk-kirby
  2. $ yo mlkshk-kirby
  3. Follow the Instructions to get your KIRBY CMS scaffolded out

Once your app is up set up, $ cd into the directory

  • $ npm install
  • $ bower install
  • $ gulp dev to start development

Gulp Actions

  • $ gulp build - This will build your kirby site.
  • $ gulp dev - puts your d

##Update 0.1.3 -added kirby 2.0