
Spring 2022 SlicerMorph 3D Morphometrics Workshop

Spring 2022 SlicerMorph 3D Morphometrics Online Short Course

Lectures, labs and all documents associated with Spring 2022 short course. SlicerMorph logo

Computer and software instructions

For this course, we will be using SlicerMorphCloud. Please follow these instructions to access it. As a backup, we advise installing 3D Slicer and SlicerMorph extension to your laptop. You can download 3D Slicer from https://download.slicer.org (use the latest preview) and instructions for installing SlicerMorph can be found here. We also suggest installing R and Rstudio locally on your computer. Both are available on the SlicerMorphCloud.

Good to haves:

  • A large external monitor (dual screen is preferred)
  • A three-buttoned mouse.

Accounts: Please obtain an account on these websites prior to workshop

Important Websites:

Funding acknowledgement

Development of SlicerMorph and the intense workshops are generously funded by National Science Foundation Advances in Bioinformatics collobrative research grants to Murat Maga (ABI-1759883). SlicerMorphCloud is made available through NSF's The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE).