
A python script for interacting with a cohort of chatbots at the same time.

Primary LanguagePython

Group Therapy

A Python script to orchestrate a group of multiple ChatGPT instances.


  • Python 3
  • Libraries:


Create a file called config.json in the root directory.
The following example config contains all of the understood options, but only the api key is required.

    "api_key": "...",
    "organization": "org-...",
    "max_tokens": 1024,
    "verbose": false


ChatGPT is good at conversation and reasoning, but it's very bad at planning. We can get around this by spawning multiple instances with different system prompts. For example, you might have one instance that converses with the user, and a second "supervisor" instance which reads the chat and writes notes, directions, and plans for the conversation instance.