
Primary LanguagePython

Your Task

Write a bug tracker application that:

  • requires logging in, but people who aren't logged in cannot create accounts (don't want any random person to see bugs in your application!)

  • use a custom user model to replace the built-in one (you may want to reference 👨‍🔬 Under the Microscope: Custom Users)

  • has a homepage that shows all tickets, arranged in separate columns according to current ticket status (i.e. New, In Progress, Done, Invalid)

  • allows filing/creating tickets

  • has a ticket detail page

  • allows assigning a ticket to the currently logged in user

  • allows marking a ticket as invalid

  • allows marking a ticket as complete

  • allows editing tickets (we will limit this to Title and Description, do not include other any of the other fields)

  • has a user detail page where you can see:

    • the current tickets assigned to a user
    • which tickets that user has filed
    • which tickets that user completed
  • Each ticket should have the following fields:

    • Title
    • Time / Date filed
    • Description
    • Name of user who filed ticket
    • Status of ticket (New / In Progress / Done / Invalid) --> hint: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/models/fields/#choices (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
    • Name of user assigned to ticket
    • Name of user who completed the ticket
  • When a ticket is filed/created, it should have the following settings: Status: New User Assigned: None User who Completed: None User who filed: Person who's logged in

  • When a ticket is assigned, these change as follows: Status: In Progress User Assigned: person the ticket now belongs to User who Completed: None

  • When a ticket is Done, these change as follows: Status: Done User Assigned: None User who Completed: person who the ticket used to belong to

  • When a ticket is marked as Invalid, these change as follows: Status: Invalid User Assigned: None User who Completed: None