
Slimbook Battery is not starting even though no other instance of it is running

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Slimbook Battery is not starting, it only says "Slimbook Battery is in execution". However, no other instance of it is running.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run slimbookbattery from terminal

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Version: latest Linux kernel as of this ticket (6.4.1)
  • Desktop Environment: Plasma Wayland

Expected behavior
The Slimbook Battery GUI shows

Additional context
It looks like there is a problem with the Python script that starts the GUI. In the snippet below, pgrep returns greater than 1 even though there is no slimbookbatterypreferences running:

    pgrep = subprocess.getoutput("pgrep -f slimbookbatterypreferences")
    num_proc_running = pgrep.split('\n')
    if len(num_proc_running) > 1:
        sys.stdout.write("Slimbook Battery is in execution\n")
    elif args.minimize:['/usr/bin/env', 'python3', '/usr/share/slimbookbattery/src/'])
    else:['/usr/bin/env', 'python3', '/usr/share/slimbookbattery/src/'])

Output of pgrep -f slimbookbatterypreferences is blank:

[byte@Lenny ~]$ pgrep -f slimbookbatterypreferences
[byte@Lenny ~]$

Having the same issues; the code on main actually contains the fix, it's just unreleased. Can we get a release @slimbook, or is there something else blocking?

This is not tested yet, but I built a binary:
I'll test it tomorrow and upload it to launchpad if everything is okey

slarse commented

@slimbook I have the exact same problem as @byteManiak using slimbookbattery v4.0.8. My setup is similar:

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Version: Linux kernel 6.4.2
  • Desktop Environment: i3 with a cobbled together mess of various DE parts I like

Additional context:

v4.0.9 you linked above solves the problem for me.