
My NixOs config

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My NixOS Configuration

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built with nix

This is my personal NixOS configuration, using flakes and home-manager power. You will also find a bit of security and privacy configurations in my attempt of improving Linux's desktop. You are welcome to take inspiration :)

You will find configurations for:

  • Sway (Wayland / xWayland)
  • Pipewire
  • ZSH
  • Dnscrypt
  • Linux Hardened
  • Bwrap (browsers, telegram, discord, steam)


If you want a full disk reset:

# download script from _scripts/setup_disk.sh
curl -L setup-disk.shiryel.com > setup.sh
chmod +x setup.sh

# run it
./_scripts/setup_disk.sh /dev/YOUR_DEVICE_HERE

If you already have a system formated, add your hardware_config.nix to system/hardware/hardware-configuration.nix and run:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#generic


   |--> system/*                -- nixos root system config
   |       |--> ./hardware/*    -- configs specific for a computer
   |       |--> ./modules/*
   |--> home_manager/*          -- nixos users configs
   |       |--> ./dotfiles/*    -- just normal config files
   |       |--> ./overrides/*   -- things that I didn't liked in the home_manager
   |       |--> ./modules/*
   |--> lib/*                   -- custom functions to help


You can get started with flakes here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes Also, you may want to take a look on the flakes that I took inspiration:



  • xrandr - check if primary on a output with 16:9 aspect ratio
  • record - check if screen recording is working on every workspace


  • dig +short txt qnamemintest.internet.nl - check if QNAME minimisation is enabled
  • sudo cat /var/log/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.log - check if dnscrypt is choosing a good DNS server with low latency
  • ssh -T git@github.com - check if ssh, gpg and pinentry are working
  • https://www.cloudflare.com/ssl/encrypted-sni/ - check DNSSEC (SNI will be unsuported)


  • systemctl --user --failed - check failed user services
  • systemctl --failed - check failed system services
  • systemd-analyze security - check system security
  • systemd-analyze security --user - check user security

Nix Shiryel, drawing by Lucky Blackat
by Lucky Blackat