Track tennis players and the ball

About The Project

The goal of this project is :

  • to detect and track both players, and only both players. For example, the ball boys/girls must not be recognized.
  • to detect and track the ball.
  • to project the location of players in a bird eye view

More generally, this tool is an introduction to a more developed tool that would allow the analysis of tennis matches thanks to tracking data (distances covered, ball bounce zone, etc..).

Key files

  • : Class and functions to build a bird eye view animation.

  • : Function to display the contours of the court on video tracking.

  • : Neural Network to detect a tennis ball in a video.

  • : To track players and the ball.

  • : To generate a bird eye view of tracking players.

Getting Started


Download yolov3 weights here (YOLOV3-320, 45 FPS) and add it to Yolov3 directory. (This file is too heavy to push on github). Name this file yolov3.weights .

The best way to run is on google colab, which has a GPU. I was unable to configure opencv to use the GPU on google colab. So the player detection part is not faster. The ball detection is. Any help is welcome to achieve this. This link could be useful .

  1. Clone the repo.
git clone
  1. Put the all the repo on a Google Drive.

  2. Run to obtain a tracking video. (Google colab)

!python3 ""  --save_weights_path="WeightsTracknet/model.1" --input_video_path="VideoInput/video_cut.mp4" --output_video_path="VideoOutput/video_output.avi" --n_classes=256 --path_yolo_classes="Yolov3/yolov3.txt" --path_yolo_weights="Yolov3/yolov3.weights" --path_yolo_config="Yolov3/yolov3.cfg"
  1. Run to obtain a bird eye view. (Google colab)
!python3 ""
  1. The generated videos are in the VideoOutput directory.

Possible improvements

  • Obtain the coordinates of the ball thanks to a second camera and thus recognize impacts with the ground or a player's racket.
  • Detect the contours of the court from any angle of view and any part of the court precisely in order to make the bird eye view projection.
  • Do not recognise the players as persons but as real players. This avoids the need for image processing to detect and remove ball boys/girls, for example.
