
A JavaScript library to brighten up your user's site experience with visual effects!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A JavaScript library to brighten up your user's site experience with visual effects!

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You can download the latest minified version at https://partyjs.yiliansource.dev/.

You can also install the package via npm:

npm install party-js


Check out the Quick Start guide!

User-interactable functionality is contained in the global party variable. To, for example, let confetti rain down the screen, simply call:


Configuring the effects is possible aswell, by passing in a set of options. For a complete overview of the options, refer to the documentation.

party.element(document.querySelector("#my-element"), {
    count: party.variation(50, 0.5),
    angleSpan: party.minmax(60, 120)


Pull requests are welcome! For larger changes, especially structural ones, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

If you have a feature request, feel free to open an issue!


This project is licensed under a MIT license.