
Google Analytics gtag.js for Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular gtag.js

A simple Google Analytics gtag.js package for Angular.


npm install angular-gtag --save

Add the the tracking code from GA admin dashboard to index.html and set send_page_view to false.

  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', 'UA-YOUR_TRACKING_ID', { 'send_page_view': false });


Add the package to to your app.module.ts.

import { GtagModule } from 'angular-gtag';

  imports: [
    GtagModule.forRoot({ trackingId: 'UA-YOUR_TRACKING_ID', trackPageviews: true })


The package will listen to route changes by default, you just need to instantiate service in the root of the project.

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(gtag: Gtag) { }

Gtag is a serivce that also allows you to track pageviews manually.


// or with custom params

  page_title: 'Lesson Feed',
  page_path: '/lessons',
  page_location: 'https://angularfirebase.com/lessons'


Events expect an action.


You can optionally pass in addtional params.

gtag.event('login', { 
  method: 'Instagram',
  event_category: 'engagemnt',
  event_label: 'New user logged in via OAuth'

Event Directive

Many analytics events are tracked based on user interaction, such as button clicks. Just tell it which DOM event to track.

<button gtagEvent trackOn="click">Track Me</button>

This will register a general event in GA based on the event name.

You can pass optional params to the directive like so:

<div gtagEvent
     [params]="{ event_label: 'Something cool just happened' }">

   Some Product...

The directive will produce the following event on dragstart.