
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Panda-Source is a bot which gathers data from panda.tf. It uses some simple http requests and puppeteer. The bot also provides some commands you can use for steam.



  • Install git
  • Install this repository by using git: git clone https://github.com/Tolfx/Panda-Source.git --branch-master



To use this bot you need to compile the code. Therefor you need typescript.

  • Install typescript in cmd by using this command: npm install typescript@latest -g (-g so is global)

Setting up


    "General": {
        "prefix": "!", // The prefix for the bot
        "discord_Owner_ID": "", // Your ID on discord
        "tokenDiscord": "" // The token for the bot

    //All of these are webhooks, and if you want to gather data you need to add discord webhooks.
    "Discord": {
        "logs": "", 
        "ShoutboxURL": "",
        "LatestActivity": "",
        "NewComms": "",
        "NewBans": "",
	    "NewThread": "",

        "Chatlog_04": "",
        "EndRacism": ""

    "Steam": {
        "name": "", //Steam name
        "password": "", //Steam password
        "sharedSecret": "" //Shared secret

    //If you want to enable an event you use true or false
    "Boolean": {
        "Enable_NewThread_Event": false,
        "Enable_LatestActivity_Event": false,
        "Enable_CheckComm_Event": false,
        "Enable_CheckBans_Event": false
    "profilePicturePath": "", //The path for your normal profile picture when using command "normal"
    "underCoverProfile": "", //The path for your undercover profiles pictures.
    "numberOfPics": 0, //How many profile pictures are you using?

    //When going undercover the bot picks a random name, aka these under here.


Be in the right root and type tsc and the code should be compiled.


Depending on the root you are in. You want to navigate to dist/src/index and use this command: node index depending on your root ofc