
TheThingsNetwork gateway Slack bot to monitor status

Primary LanguagePython


Very simple and crude bot for monitoring TheThingsNetwork gateways via Slack channel integration. The list of features is minimal:

  • responds to commands when directly mentioned @ttnbot (or similar as you configure)
    • status - replies with stauts of all gateways
    • add - adds a gateway
    • remove - removes the gateway
  • Send automated message when gateways going online and offline

Theory of operation is rather simple. There is a file config.yml consisting of Slack credentials and a list of gateways to be monitored.



Download this repository. Set up the environment, recommended to use python virtual environment pip install virtualenv.

git clone https://github.com/SloMusti/ttn-gw-slack-notification
cd ttn-signal-test-python
python3 -m venv ./env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Slack config

To add the bot in slack and get the key, follow these instructions: https://www.fullstackpython.com/blog/build-first-slack-bot-python.html Then also create the channel as you see fit and enter the name in the config.

Prepare config

Create the config file config.yml with the following structure, you can have multiple gateways listed and Slack credentials are required.

- <your_gw_1>
- <your_gw_2>

  channel: <your channel>
  token: <xoxb-slack-key>

Run the application

Run the application within the active virtual environment with python main.py or if running on the server or rpi and wanting to run in background nohup python main.py &. A simple option is to run tios on AWS EC2 instance with Ubuntu or similar.

Sample status output:

irnas-1                        online  - packets - 18/2
maribor-urban                  online  - packets - 1/0