
Parse Whatsapp chat exports and explore the data

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


What is this repository for?

  • Program that extracts information such as chat participants and message count from a Whatsapp chat backup
  • Includes generating graphs of most commonly used words and message length distribution, which can be saved as pngs
  • Core chat parsing functionality offers a simple API to query messages and participants with extensibility for new message formats.
  • V1.1.0.0

How do I use it?

  • Download the latest installer
  • First you'll want a chat archive - iphone, android
  • Then just open the program and click File>Open and select your file
  • Once your file is open all of the analysis gubbins is under the 'Tools' menu item - go play :)
  • Then come back here and suggest improvements by subitting an issue as an 'enhancement' or 'proposal'

What's in the repo?

  • Visual Studio 2011 solution in C#

Something gone wrong?

Congratulations! You've found a bug! - Check to see if someone else has already found it, if so go and drop any info in their issue. Otherwise, open a new issue - info in that link about the kinds of info to include.

Thanks for the help!