
Utilizing behavioral cloning with deep neural networks to teach a car to drive in a simulator. Project #3 in Udacity's Self-Driving Car Nanodegree.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

End-to-End Self-Driving Car Using Behavioral Cloning

Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree

This is project #3 in the Udacity Self-Driving Car program, and it involves using behavioral cloning and deep neural networks to teach a car to drive in a simulator.

A slightly less technical Medium write-up for this project can be found here.

Why a Simulator

While driving a car in a simulator is certainly not the same as driving a car in the real world, there are many similarities. Given the current state of game graphics, images captured in a simulated environment (road, markers, landscape) are a good approximation of images that could be captured in the real world.

Of course the simulator also affords safety and ease-of-use. Data collection is much simpler, and a failed model poses no threat to life. A simulator is a great platform in which to explore and hone various model architectures. A successful model might afterwards be implemented in a real car with real cameras.

Here are links to the simulator, if you want to experiement with that part of the code:

Training Data and Behavioral Cloning

The the goal of behavioral cloning is to collect data while exhibiting good behavior and then train a model to mimic that behavior with the collected data. Images are captured in the simulator as the car drives around the track. The captured images are fed into a neural network to teach the model how to drive properly. Here’s an example image captured from the front-center of the car:

Track One

Each image is captured with the accompanying steering angle. The images are be fed into the network, and the network’s job is to match the appropriate steering angle. Since tracks normally have a turn bias (in this case, left), when the images are loaded each image gets a copy that has been flipped horizontally with steering angle negated. Both the original image and the flipped copy are fed into the network, balancing out the turn bias.

I collected data for a few different scenarios. First, I drove the track in both directions a couple of times while trying to maintain ideal center-lane driving. This scenario represented the bulk of the data as it is the ideal behavior. Second, I collected some “corrective” data by driving from the edge of the road back to the center in a variety of situations. The goal of the “corrective” data is to teach the car how to get back to the center if it gets out of line. Third, I collected more data specifically for the corners and problem spots - where the car had the most trouble staying on the track. Fourth and finally, I collected data on the second available track in the simulator. This second track is quite different (both the road and the landscape) and much more difficult. It exhibits steep slopes and much sharper, more frequent turns. The goal of collecting data on this quite different track was to help the model generalize a concept of “staying on the road.”

Here’s an image from the second, harder track:

Track Two

Model Architecture

The model architecture I chose is nearly identical to NVIDIA’s network for End-to-End Learning for Self Driving Cars (paper here).

The layers and details of the network are laid out in-order in the table below:

Layer Description
Input Pass in the 320x160 RGB images
Cropping Remove the top 60 pixels (just sky and landscape) and bottom 25 pixels (car hood and solid road). This information isn’t useful for determining steering angles, and the less information we pass through the network the faster it will be.
Normalization Pixel values [0, 255] are scaled down to [-0.5, 0.5].
Convolution 24 features, 5x5 filters, stride of 2
Convolution 36 features, 5x5 filters, stride of 2
Convolution 48 features, 5x5 filters, stride of 2
Convolution 64 features, 3x3 filters, stride of 1
Convolution 64 features, 3x3 filters, stride of 1
Flatten Flatten the space down to one dimension for the fully-connected layers.
Fully-Connected 1162 values from linear combinations of previous values
Fully-Connected 100 values from linear combinations of previous values
Fully-Connected 50 values from linear combinations of previous values
Fully-Connected 10 values from linear combinations of previous values
Output 1 steering angle from linear combinations of previous values

Each convolutional layer and fully-connected layer has ELU activation, and a dropout layer with 30% drop-rate is implemented after each convolutional layer to help prevent overfitting in this large network.

The convolutional layers capture abstracted features from the images. These abstracted features are fed into the fully-connected layers which serve as a steering controller. More on the model’s design can be read in NVIDIA’s paper here.

Training the Model

Keras was used to build and train the model, which provided quick and simple implementation. The Adam optimizer was used, and the mean-squared-error was minimized. The model was trained in randomly-selected batches of 128 images for seven epochs, and 20% of the data was reserved for validation. In total, the model was trained using around 25,000 images.

The Results

After training, the car driven by the model was able to correctly traverse the first track. The car exhibited minimal over-correcting on the straight-aways, and it had a couple close calls with the edge of the road and the bridge. Overall, it performed well on the first track. As for the second track, it was unable to go much of anywhere, but this is not too surprising considering the majority of the data was gathered on the simpler track. I believe this model architecture could handle driving on the second track if I were to provide it with more data (especially at problem-spots) from the second track.