This is a boilerplate starter package for getting a React-Redux app up and running, ready for development. Comes equipped with Webpack, Babel, Mocha/Chai for testing, and Redux setup.
Getting Started
Checkout this repo, install dependencies, then start the webpack server:
> git clone
> cd ReduxSimpleStarter
> npm install
> npm start
Examples in Branches
Checkout the different branches to look for functioning examples that showcase different aspects of React and/or Redux. These branches are meant to be functioning references for specific pieces of functionality
Some of of the examples include:
- React-only basics (no redux) YouTubeApp
- Redux basics (minimal app) BookListApp
- API calls with Redux WeatherApp
- Programmatic Testing TestingApp
- React Higher Order Components (HOC) HigherOrderComponentsApp
- Redux Middleware MiddlewareApp