
Make Percentile Nightingale-Charts / Pizza-Charts with a few clicks.

Primary LanguagePython


  • To access the online hosted version of this web app click here.

  • To install this web app on your local system follow these steps (prerequisite -> your system should have anaconda installed):

    1. Download The Repository:

      • Use one of the following options.

      • Option 1: You can download the repository by clicking on the Code button and then clicking on Download Zip. Make sure to unzip the file.

      • Option 2: Using git. Run this command on your terminal:

        git clone https://github.com/Slothfulwave612/Nightingale-Charts-Plotter.git

    2. Create a New Conda Environment:

      • Make a new environment for using this app. Run the following command:

        conda create -n streamlit_env python=3.8.10

      • Move to the new environment: conda activate streamlit_env

    3. Install Required Packages:

      • Navigate to the downloaded folder (on your terminal). And then run the following command:

        pip install -r requirements.txt

    4. Run The Web Application:

      • Once all required packages are installed, you can run the following command to run the web app:

        streamlit run src/webapp.py [-- .streamlit/config.toml]