
An archive of the old tapexchange drivers for msdos


                     Txplus Software Version 5.19

 Note to users of Hard Disk compresssion software (i.e. Stacker, SuperStore)

       If any difficulties are encountered during a backup using a 
       compression software, it may be necessary to utilize the
       the special executable file found on the floppy disks that
       provide the TapeXchange software. Use the following procedure.

         1. Copy the file TXPLUSTA.EXE from the TapeXchange floppy to
	    the TXPLUS directory on your hard drive.

         2. Change to the TXPLUS directory.

	 3. Invoke TapeXchange by entering TXPLUSTA

	 4. Use the TapeXchange in a normal manner.

      Users are cautioned to not use this procedure unless required to do
      so by incompatibility problems. This executable uses a slightly
      different and somewhat slower methodology to access hard disk
      information thereby increasing backup time.

   This version of software also includes support for additional tape
            drives including the Sony DAT and the TX2000.

   NOTE: The Sony DAT drive is being introduced with this software
	 release. This drive is identifable by the presence of
	 3 LED indicators on the front. These are: BUSY, TAPE, STATUS.

	 The drive also features an automatic notification that the
	 tape drive needs to be cleaned. This notification is presented
	 to the user by a flashing "STATUS" LED when the drive is in
	 a normal condition and no drive read or write activity is
	 taking place. The LED will flash ON for 3.5 seconds and OFF
	 for 0.5 seconds. This indication will continue until the heads
	 have been cleaned using an authorized cleaning kit. This kit
	 is available from your Dealer and is identified as a SONY

   The following items are not contained in the manual and should 
   be noted by the user.

     1. If the user starts a backup while logged into a Novell
        network and that backup spans midnight according to
        Novell time, Novell will not update the user's PC date
        after crossing midnight. The PC date can be corrected
        manually or by re-logging into the Novell network after
        completing the backup.

     2. The TapeXchange printer pass-through port is designed for
        use with printers only and should not be used to connect
        other devices.

     3. The use of "background" printing processes (i.e. spooling)
        is not allowed while the TapeXchange unit is in use for
        backup, restore, or list functions.
