
Aspect-based programming library for HaXe

Primary LanguageHaxe

Haxe Aspect - Aspect-based programming library for HaXe

This library allows writing aspect-based code in the Haxe programming language.


Aspect based programming allows separating code based on features rather than code flow or data flow. When coding a feature, instead of adding code to a large number of core modules, a single module may define multiple code blocks which are automatically called from the various core modules.

This can be likened to applying the observer pattern at compile time.


Join point - A location in the code where additional code can be added.

Advice - A block of code intended to be inserted at some join point.


The library is available from haxelib, and can be installed using

haxelib install haxe-aspect

The library can then be used while compiling code

haxe -lib haxe-aspect Main.hx


Any class may define a join point by calling Aspect.joinpoint from a static method:

import org.slugfiller.aspect.Aspect;

class MyClass
  static function myJoinPoint(param1 : Int, param2 : Int)
    // Defining a join point
    Aspect.joinpoint(param1, param2, " is printed");

  function myNormalMethod()
    // Calling the join point from a normal function
    myJoinPoint(1, 2);

The method containing the join point MUST be static.

To add code to be called from the join point from another module, a public class implementing the Advice interface must be created, as so:

import org.slugfiller.aspect.Advice;

class MyAdvice implements Advice<MyClass>
  public static function myJoinPoint(param1 : Int, param2 : Int, param3 : String)

A class implementing Advice must:

  • Be public
  • Contain only public static functions, and no other fields or methods
  • Each static method must have the same name as a static method containing a join point in the class for which advice is given
  • The method's parameters must match the values passed to the call to Aspect.joinpoint

In the above example, the join point from MyClass would be transformed into:

  static function myJoinPoint(param1 : Int, param2 : Int)
    // Defining a join point
    MyAdvice.myJoinPoint(param1, param2, " is printed"); // Join point is resolved based on given advice

Note that it's possible to provide more than one advice for a given join point. No guarantees are made regarding the order in which advice functions are called.