Globex Database Exercise


You will need to have the following tools installed Docker and a tool to let you interact with an MS SQL database.

Visual Studio Code Extensions

There are extensions for Visual Studio Code that let you connect to SQL database. You will need to install SQL Server (mssql).

First time setup

Ensure that docker is running on your machine by using docker -v. From command line, in this directory run the startup script appropriate for your shell. (Either startup.bat or; Powershell & startup.bat recommended on Windows as Git Bash will not run some of the commands).

Connect to the database

Check that the container is running with docker ps, you should see something like the following:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE       COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS                    NAMES
<SOME_ID>      module-09   "powershell -Command…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes (healthy)>1433/tcp   module-09-container

If it isn't, run docker start module-09-container to start it. If you stop the container for any reason (e.g. restarting your machine) you'll need to run this command.

Connect to the database with the following details:
Server name: localhost
Port Number: 1433
Note, in SSMS or the SQL Server extension for VSCode, provide the server name and port together using this syntax: localhost,1433
Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
Login: sa
Password: Password123!