
Algorithm for the automatic estimation of the RMS envelope of the surface electromyography signal.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Algorithm for the automatic estimation of the RMS envelope of the surface electromyography signal.


This package contains the MATLAB codes for implementing the algorithm described in:

This package contains some mex function to speed up the algorithm using C functions.

List of functions

MATLAB codes:

  • adaptiveEnvelope.m - Main function
  • conditionEMG.m - Conditioning block (whitening and normalization)
  • derivativesEstimation.m - Point by point first and second derivative of the envelope estimation
  • envelopeEstimation.m - Point by point envelope computation
  • entropyEst.m - Point by point entropy estimation for convergence
  • f.m - Normalization factor
  • filterLength.m - Update of the adaptive filter window lengths
  • staticEstimationD.m - Initialization of the estimation of the derivatives (might be removed in the future)
  • staticEstimationW.m - Initialization of the estimation of the envelope (might be removed in the future)
  • whiteTest.m - Tests for the whiteness of the signal (borrowed function, source in the comments)
  • whitenSignal.m - Whitening filter in MATLAB

C codes:

  • posAutoCorr.c - Correlation
  • whiteningSignal - Whitening filter in C


Make sure that the MATLAB C package is installed. To use the adaptiveEnvelope.m function add its path and its subfolder to MATLAB.

Compile C methods via the install-emg_envelope.m script.