Algorithm for the automatic estimation of the RMS envelope of the surface electromyography signal.
This package contains the MATLAB codes for implementing the algorithm described in:
- S.Ranaldi, C. De Marchis and S. Conforto "An automatic, adaptive, information-based method for the extraction of the sEMG envelope"
This package contains some mex function to speed up the algorithm using C functions.
MATLAB codes:
- adaptiveEnvelope.m - Main function
- conditionEMG.m - Conditioning block (whitening and normalization)
- derivativesEstimation.m - Point by point first and second derivative of the envelope estimation
- envelopeEstimation.m - Point by point envelope computation
- entropyEst.m - Point by point entropy estimation for convergence
- f.m - Normalization factor
- filterLength.m - Update of the adaptive filter window lengths
- staticEstimationD.m - Initialization of the estimation of the derivatives (might be removed in the future)
- staticEstimationW.m - Initialization of the estimation of the envelope (might be removed in the future)
- whiteTest.m - Tests for the whiteness of the signal (borrowed function, source in the comments)
- whitenSignal.m - Whitening filter in MATLAB
C codes:
- posAutoCorr.c - Correlation
- whiteningSignal - Whitening filter in C
Make sure that the MATLAB C package is installed. To use the adaptiveEnvelope.m function add its path and its subfolder to MATLAB.
Compile C methods via the install-emg_envelope.m script.