
Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

msixmgr.exe PowerShell wrapper

Wraps the msixmgr.exe tool as a PowerShell function using PowerShell Crescendo.


⚠️ Note: You will need to have the Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo module installed for PowerShell.

  1. Launch a PowerShell console and navigate to the source code's directory.
  2. Run .\build.ps1

The module output will be located in out\pwsh-msixmgr\.


⚠️ Note: You will need the msixmgr.exe executable reachable in your PATH environment variable. Unfortunately it is not provided as an installable tool, so you will either have to manually download it, extract it, and add the directory it's located in into your PATH environment variable.

If you want a fast and easy way to do this, you can run the script Install-MsixMgrTool.ps1 located in the tools\ directory of this repo. You will want to run it like this:

.\Install-MsixMgrTool.ps1 -AddToUserPathEnvironmentVariable

This will install msixmgr.exe to your user profile and add it to your user account's PATH environment variable.


⚠️ Note: The PowerShell console will need to be elevated with admin permissions for it to work.

Create a MSIX App Attach volume to use for Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts.

Example 01

Create a MSIX app attach package.

New-MsixAppAttachVolume -PackagePath "path\to\MyApp.msix" -DestinationPath "path\to\MyApp.vhd" -VhdSize 250 -FileType "VHD" -RootDirectoryName "app"