Current Features
- Channel Mesage Logger (Logs messages in a channel)
- Local Message Logger (Logs messages into a txt file)
- Direct Message Logger (Logs messages in your dms)
- Danbooru / Safebooru Fetcher (Fetches Random Image With Specified Tag)
- AntiNSFW (AutoDeletes NSFW images)
Future Features
- Slash Commands
To make the bot run you need to add a keys.json in your the code directory
"discordKey": ""
"discordKey": ""
And the configure the configs
"isChannelMessageLoggerEnabled": true,
"isLocalMessageLoggerEnabled": true,
"isStalkerEnabled": true,
"isDanbooruEnabled": true,
"isSafebooruEnabled": true,
"isAttachmentCompressionEnabled": true,
"isAntiNsfwEnabled": true,
"messageLoggerChannelId": "Channel ID",
"booruChannelId": "Channel ID",
"status": "Dnd",
"presenceName": "Watching You",
"presenceType": "Watching",
"url": "",
"stalkerId": "UserID",
"recipientId": "UserID",