
Gerrits hooks done for Integrity integration

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Gerrit hooks for Integrity

These hooks are done for notifying Integrity instance of new Gerrit change update.

At the moment only patchset-created has been implemented, but creating new hooks is pretty easy; just copy the file and alter the arguments.

List of available hooks along with their params can be found from Gerrit’s manual: http://gerrit-documentation.googlecode.com/svn/Documentation/2.5/config-hooks.html

Information of what Integrity is can be found from here: http://integrity.github.com/


This assumes that hooks resides in default location, and that hooks dir hasn’t been already created

    cd [your git clone dir]
    git clone git@github.com:Smarre/gerrit-hooks.git
    cd [gerrit root dir]
    mkdir hooks
    cd hooks
    ln -s [git clone dir]/gerrit-hooks/[hook name].rb [hook-name]
    cd -
    sh bin/gerrit.sh restart


If you create new hook, please contribute it back! :)