Python package for assembling workflows, especially those associated with modifying, running, and analyzing simulation models
- 0
Support of workflows
#31 opened by tarekelgindy - 0
Support within-Stack calls to ModelLayerBase._save_model to record intemediate outputs
#30 opened by elainethale - 1
Using --layer-library-dirs without another flag argument between it and the stack .json file does not work
#25 opened by elainethale - 0
Layer.create should accept a str or a Path for the parent_directory argument
#22 opened by elainethale - 0
Kwargs can't start with 'h' because layerstack currently tries to assign a short name of -h and that conflicts with --help
#23 opened by elainethale - 0
Support kwargs with '-' or '_'
#24 opened by elainethale - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Improve testing
#12 opened by elainethale - 0
Support multiple layer_library_dirs
#16 opened by elainethale - 0
Add github action to automatically build docs for tags (releases) and master branch
#21 opened by elainethale - 1
- 1
Pretty-print stack archives
#11 opened by elainethale - 1
Enable setting ArgMode with str
#8 opened by elainethale - 1
New Layer names containing all-caps words should retain all-caps in class name
#7 opened by elainethale - 1
- 1
Make layerstack a real package
#2 opened by elainethale - 1
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- 5
List and prioritize features for Smart-DS
#5 opened by elainethale