
Lousy documentation

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The printout that came with the SR-03 was in grayscale and difficult to see. A manual is mentioned; however, no such manual exists, just a video. The "Remote control the tank cars" video link leads to a video that only plays a couple video ads and then gives an error. The interface seems to be in Chinese.

Someone else purchased the unit and gave it to me. Getting the wheels located properly was a bit difficult. I could understand the lack of mention of the need of a motor driver since one could claim that the buyer should already know. However, a link to the Amazon listing on the printout or in a manual on here using the information from the listing would have been really useful. I finally got a link to the Amazon listing from the person who gave me the unit. And you might want to put that remote control video on YouTube.

Not finding the manual on that website. However, I think I have enough information to do what I want to do. And thanks for making a chassis that is less than 8 inches wide.