
Return the difference between two entities (objects, arrays, variables, etc) in json or array format.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


One of the Fastest deep object/array diff

  • Benchmarks with other popular packages on the same category: @netilon/differify x 1,045,377 ops/sec ±1.42% (93 runs sampled)

    deep-object-diff x 184,838 ops/sec ±2.55% (85 runs sampled)
    recursive-diff x 108,276 ops/sec ±1.93% (94 runs sampled)
    Fastest is @netilon/differify

Whats new?

  • Completely rewritten
  • The new version 4.x is x2 faster than the older versions (version < 3.0.0) and is now one of the Fastests deep object/array comparators.
  • Typescript support added.
  • Support for Node.js and Browsers (it works on both)
  • Just 7.6K (gzipped 2K) weight (import)
  • No dependencies
  • New features were added! Now you can easily do more things with differify!
    • new config option added. Now, you can decide whether you prefer to compare arrays, either in an ordered or in an unordered way. Remember that, by default, you have an ordered comparison.
    • you can apply changes (merge) from left to right (applyRightChanges) or right to left (applyLeftChanges)
    • you can just keep the differences between two entities It's very useful indeed! (see more in the Documentation about the diffOnly option of apply[Right|Left]Changes methods).
    • you can filter the diff result of compare() method by an specific status (ADDED, MODIFIED, DELETED, EQUAL).


Differify allows you to get the diff between two entities (objects diff, arrays diff, date diff, functions diff, number diff, etc) very easily, quickly and in a friendly way.

GitHub Workflow StatusGitHub package.json version

Your contribution is appreciated (thanks!)

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  1. Installation
  2. How to use
  3. Documentation
  4. Configuration
  5. Typescript
  6. Examples


npm install @netilon/differify

How to use it

Comparing things with differify is very simple!

> Compare objects

> Object diff output

> Easy access and use

> Compare arrays

> Array diff output

Simple Structure

As you can see, there are two different kinds of structures that you can get from compare method call.

  1. For objects and arrays only, you will get this structure:

    • the _ property contains the detailed diff information (it's an underscore to improve the readability in complex nested objects property accesses)
    • the status property contains the global status of the comparison ('EQUAL', 'MODIFIED', 'DELETED', 'ADDED')
    • the changes property is the total changes found when the comparison was performed.
  2. For anything that Object.prototype.toString.call() does NOT return [object Array] or [object Object] (functions, dates, numbers, etc), you will get this structure:

    • the original property has the original value (left parameter in compare method).
    • the current property has the current value (right parameter in compare method).
    • the status property contains the current status of the comparison ('EQUAL', 'MODIFIED', 'DELETED', 'ADDED')
    • the changes property will be 1 or 0 depending if there was a change or not.

> Apply changes





Description: It sets the configuration options that will be applied when compare() method is called.


Configuration Object (see the Configuration section).

Return: void



Description: It returns a copy of the current configuration object.

Return: Object


compare(any, any);

Description: It returns the difference between two entities.


Both parameters indicate the entities to be compared.

Return: Object.


applyRightChanges(diffResult, diffOnly);

Description: It will apply the changes (merge both entities) and will keep the modified values from the right.


diffResult: Object - It is the Object returned by the compare() method call.

diffOnly: boolean - (default: false) It returns just the difference (only the !== EQUAL properties).

Return: Object.


applyLeftChanges(diffResult, diffOnly);

Description: It will apply the changes (merge both entities) and will keep the modified values from the left.


diffResult: Object - It is the Object returned by the compare() method call.

diffOnly: boolean - (default: false) It returns just the difference (only the !== EQUAL properties).

Return: Object.


filterDiffByStatus(diffResult, status, extendedInformation);

Description: It will return the changes that match the specified property status (second parameter) using the DIFF_MODES.DIFF in the configuration. IMPORTANT: If you use another diff mode (different than DIFF_MODES.DIFF), then you will get the corresponding value from original/current property (based on the status) without any filtering (you will get the raw value).


diffResult: Object - It is the Object returned by the compare() method call.

status: string - one of the following (ADDED || MODIFIED || DELETED || EQUAL).

extendedInformation: boolean - if true, it will add more detail about the elements to the given output. Defaults to false.

Return: any || null - it depends on the input type. If there is no status matching, then null will be returned.


You can pass a config to the setConfig() method to change the behavior and adjust it to fit your needs. If you prefer, you can set it once and use it everywhere or you can change it when you need it.

key value default description
mode.array string DIFF DIFF: it will iterate over each element in the array A, and will compare each element against the element in the same index in the array B.

REFERENCE: just compare the references of each array.

STRING: only will check the array length and will do a toString comparison if necessary.
mode.object string DIFF DIFF: it will iterate over each property in the object A and will compare each value with the same property value in the object B.

REFERENCE: just compare the references of each object.

STRING: only do a toString comparison.
mode.function string REFERENCE REFERENCE: just compare the references of each function.

STRING: only do a toString comparison (useful to compare the function bodies).
compareArraysInOrder boolean true if it is true, it will compare each element in both arrays one by one in an ordered way, assuming that each element, in the same index in both arrays, should be the same element that can have changes or not (see an example of this case). If the option is set to false, then it will compare each element in both arrays and it will check if they are EQUAL, ADDED or DELETED without keeping in mind the appearence order (there won't be details about the MODIFIED status, it's only available if the option is set to true, since in that case, the order matters and we know that each element in the same index (but in different arrays), should be the same element that could have been changed or not) (see an example of this case).

Configuration example:

const Differify = require('@netilon/differify');

differify = new Differify({ mode: { object: 'DIFF', array: 'DIFF' } });

const diff = differify.compare(a, b);

if you dont specify any configuration, the default options are the following:

    mode: {
    array: 'DIFF',
    object: 'DIFF',
    function: 'REFERENCE',


To use the differify library with Typescript, you have to configure your tsconfig.json file and enable the following properties:


	"compilerOptions": {
		"allowJs": true,
		"esModuleInterop": true,

then in your .ts file, you can import Differify this way:

import Differify, { DIFF_MODES } from '@netilon/differify';

// See the examples section.


You have to know that the configuration you provide will change the behavior of the comparators and it will result in different outputs.

Just play around with it and use the configuration that fits your needs.

The following image, just represents the idea of what each option does, but is not the real implementation:


with the option DIFF:

const testA = [1,2];
const testB = [1,3];

you will get this output (note that there is a detail for each element in the array A and B):

	"_": [{
		"original": 1,
		"current": 1,
		"status": "EQUAL",
		"changes": 0
	}, {
		"original": 2,
		"current": 3,
		"status": "MODIFIED",
		"changes": 1
	"status": "MODIFIED",
	"changes": 1

with the option STRING or REFERENCE:

const testA = [1,2];
const testB = [1,3];

you will get this output (just a string comparison):

	"original": [1,2],
	"current": [1,3],
	"status": "MODIFIED",
	// always will be 1 or 0 because there is no
	// deep checking (use the DIFF option if you want more information)
	"changes": 1

Array comparison example, keeping the order (compareArraysInOrder: true)

const differify = new Differify({
	compareArraysInOrder: true, //default value
	mode: { object: 'DIFF', array: 'DIFF' },

const diff = differify.compare(['a', 'b'], ['a', 'z', 'b']);


		"_": [{
			"original": "a",
			"current": "a",
			"status": "EQUAL",
			"changes": 0
		}, {
			"original": "b",
			"current": "z",
			"status": "MODIFIED",
			"changes": 1
		}, {
			"original": null,
			"current": "b",
			"status": "ADDED",
			"changes": 1
		"status": "MODIFIED",
		"changes": 2


Array comparison example, without having the order in mind (compareArraysInOrder: false)..

NOTE: In case you have Object elements inside the array and you are using compareArraysInOrder to false and array mode to true, then it will compare the objects as serialized strings to know if they are equal or not.

const differify = new Differify({
	compareArraysInOrder: false,
	mode: { object: 'DIFF', array: 'DIFF' },

const diff = differify.compare(['a', 'b'], ['a', 'z', 'b']);


		"_": [{
			"original": "a",
			"current": "a",
			"status": "EQUAL",
			"changes": 0
		}, {
			"original": "b",
			"current": "b",
			"status": "EQUAL",
			"changes": 0
		}, {
			"original": null,
			"current": "z",
			"status": "ADDED",
			"changes": 1
		"status": "MODIFIED",
		"changes": 1


Your contribution is appreciated (thanks!)

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