Farmers World Bot Free

Video instruction

Instalation guide

  1. Open the game and log in.
  2. Important! Confirm any operation and in the wax confirmation window check the auto-confirmation checkbox.
  3. To open the console in Chrome, use this keyboard shortcut: Cmd + Option + J (on a Mac) or Ctrl + Shift + J (on Windows).
  4. Copy the script and paste it into the console. Press Enter.

Current functionality

  • Working with all the maps. Able to work with any kind of NFT.
  • The script presses the "Mine"/"Hatch" button on any map when the button is available.
  • If energy is less than 200 and food more than 20, it makes an exchange.
  • If the strength of the mining tool is less than half, it is repaired. Make sure you have enough gold in your account.




  • Now the bot tries to restore work, even if there was an error.


  • Fix error mine on first map, if you have Member card.


  • Improved algorithm for closing succes popups.
  • The energy system has been redesigned. The bot now tries to always maintain the maximum amount of energy. This fixes a bug on some single player maps.
  • Improved algorithm for closing CPU error popups.
  • Added a random pause between actions.
  • Fixed a mining bug when using Member card.


  • Added the ability to select maps for mining. issues #4
  • Improved the setting of pauses in the game. issues #4


Any problems? Submit an issue or send message in telegram @smartbotofficial or email!

Official site