
DCC Boxed DUIS Validation and Signing Tool

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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DCC Boxed DUIS Validation and Signing Tool

License: GPL v3 Tests codecov

This command line tool is aimed at supporting DCC Boxed by simplifying the XML signing and validation. DCC Boxed communicates using DUIS (an XML language defined in appendix AD of previous link), this tool signs DUIS requests (i.e. adding an XML digital signature) and validating DUIS responses (i.e. validating the XML digital signature and removing it). In addition, it performs XSD validation.

DCC Boxed is a test tool. It is made available with a standard set of test Smart Meter Key Infrastructure (SMKI) organisation certificates known as ZAZ1. So that it is possible to sign and validate signatures, this tool ships with the same test certificates and associated private keys. This same set of test certificates and private keys are available with GFI.

Finally, to reduce the work needed to sign the DUIS command the originator counter will be automatically set to System.currentTimeMillis before the DUIS is signed. This is to ensure that a strictly incrementing value is present in each command and aligns with how DCC Boxed computes this internally for DUIS commands it issues.


A standard maven build:

mvn package

This should result in a jar file being created in the ./target/ folder.


To generate test coverage:

mvn clean test


The tool can be run in one of two modes, Sign or Validate. In both cases the tool will print out logging information to stderr.


To sign a DUIS message (XML without digital signature) from a file and print to stdout the signed message (i.e. the XML with the digital signature) issue the following:

java -cp ./target/xmldsig-1.0-3.jar uk.co.smartdcc.boxed.xmldsig.Sign message.xml

Or to read the DUIS message from stdin

java -cp ./target/xmldsig-1.0-3.jar uk.co.smartdcc.boxed.xmldsig.Sign -

For example, its possible to chain this with cURL to sign and submit a DUIS command to a DCC Boxed instance:

java -cp xmldsig-1.0-3.jar uk.co.smartdcc.boxed.xmldsig.Sign CS08_11.2_SUCCESS_REQUEST_DUIS.XML | curl http://dccboxed-server:8079/api/v1/serviceS -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' --data-binary -

Posix Return Codes

  • 0: Successful.
  • 1 Generic java or OS error.
  • 2 An exception raised in the app.
  • 3 Missing public or private key material.
  • 10 XSD validation failed.

Advanced Signing

Key Material

By default the tool will inspect the DUIS request to determine which private key corresponds to the message to sign. This should cover the majority of the use cases of the tool. However, it is also possible to provide the signers credentials as command line arguments (jar file name might vary):

java -cp ./target/xmldsig-1.0-3.jar uk.co.smartdcc.boxed.xmldsig.Sign message.xml user.pem user.key

Here the user.pem and user.key are the associated certificate and private key for the signer. These should both be of the correct format as defined by SMKI, especially they need to be formatted as pem and the private key is both EC prime256v1 and in the PKCS8 format.


DCC Boxed internally generates counters for any message sent from its GUI devices using System.currentMillis. Thus, to ensure compatibility this tool will by default also do the same and overwrite the counter provided in the request id of the DUIS message. If this behaviour is not desired, then the --preserveCounter option can be given to the signing tool.

Validate DUIS

To validate a DUIS message (XML with digital signature) from a file and print to stdout the validated message (i.e. the XML without the digital signature) issue the following (jar file name might vary):

java -cp ./target/xmldsig-1.0-3.jar uk.co.smartdcc.boxed.xmldsig.Validate message.xml

Or to read the DUIS message from stdin

java -cp ./target/xmldsig-1.0-3.jar uk.co.smartdcc.boxed.xmldsig.Validate -

Posix Return Codes

  • 0: Successful.
  • 1 Generic java or OS error.
  • 2 An exception raised in the app.
  • 3 Missing public or private key material.
  • 10 XSD validation or signature check failed.

Advanced Validation

By default the tool will inspect the DUIS request to determine which certificate corresponds to the sender of the message. This should cover the majority of the use cases of the tool. However, it is also possible to provide the signers credentials as command line arguments:

java -cp ./target/xmldsig-1.0-3.jar uk.co.smartdcc.boxed.xmldsig.Validate message.xml user.pem

Here the user.pem is the associated users certificate. This should be of the correct format as defined by SMKI, especially it need to be formatted as pem.


Contributions are welcome!

When submitting a pull request, please ensure:

  1. Each PR is concise and provides only one feature/bug fix.
  2. Unit test are provided to cover feature. The project uses junit5. To test, run mvn test to generate code coverage metrics.
  3. Bugfixes include reference the GitHub issue.
  4. If appropriate, update documentation.
  5. Before committing, run mvn checkstyle:check and mvn formatter:validate.

If you are planning a new non-trivial feature, please first raise a GitHub issue to discuss it to before investing your time to avoid disappointment.

Any contributions will be expected to be licensable under GPLv3.

As a convenience, to ensure code is correctly formatted it is possible to run mvn formatter:format to automatically format files as required.

Other Info

Copyright 2022, Smart DCC Limited, All rights reserved. Project is licensed under GPLv3.