
Ansible playbook for setup Debian with GNOME Desktop

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Ansible playbook for setup Debian GNOME Desktop


  • Setup Debian Stable with backports and Flatpak apps
  • Setup Debian Sid (Unstable) with LTS Linux kernel
  • Install non-free components or free only components

Before start

Make sure you have installed:

  • ansible
  • git
sudo apt install git ansible

Then install required Ansible collections:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Pull from the repo

ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR=1 ansible-pull -U https://github.com/SmartFinn/ansible-debian-gnome-desktop.git --ask-become-pass

Run locally

git pull https://github.com/SmartFinn/ansible-debian-gnome-desktop.git
cd ansible-debian/
ansible-playbook local.yml --ask-become-pass

Optional variables

The optional variable may be set with -e var=value options to ansible-pull or ansible-playbook commands.

  • hostname - specify hostname in FQDN format (e.g. -e hostname=thinkpad.mkro.tk)
  • timezone - change timezone specified during install (e.g. -e timezone=Europe/Kyiv)
  • modern_intel_driver - choose between mature libva-intel-driver (default) and modern intel-media-driver (e.g. -e modern_intel_driver=true)
  • flatpak_install_method - install Flatpak apps for the whole system (default) or only for the current user (e.g. -e flatpak_install_method=user)
  • xorg_tearfree - enable this only if you have issues with tearing in X11 session (e.g. -e xorg_tearfree=true)
  • extra_packages - list of packages to install (e.g. -e "extra_packages=['strace','rpmconf']")
  • surfshark_username - username for Surfshark VPN connection (required by surfshark-ikev2 task)
  • surfshark_password - password for Surfshark VPN connection (required by surfshark-ikev2 task)
  • surfshark_servers - list of Surfshark servers (e.g. -e "surfshark_servers=['uk-lon.prod.surfshark.com','ua-iev.prod.surfshark.com']")
  • zerotier_network_id - join ZeroTier network if the variable is defined (e.g. -e zerotier_network_id=8056c2e21c000001)
  • debian_sid - install packages and upgrade the system to Debian Unstable (e.g. -e debian_sid=true)
  • debian_mirror - specify Debian mirror for /etc/apt/sources.list (e.g. -e debian_mirror=debian.csail.mit.edu)
  • non_free - install packages with non-free components (default) (e.g. -e non_free=false)
  • kernel_lts - do not install newer Linux kernels from backports and sid (default) (e.g. -e kernel_lts=false)
  • force_flatpak - using Flatpak instead of native packages from third-party repos if there is a choice (e.g. -e force_flatpak=true)

Optional tags

Tags are used to enable/disable tasks in the playbook.
To run only specific tasks use --tags tag1,tag2,tagN option and to exclude tasks use --skip-tags tag1,tag2,tagN.


Tag Enabled Description
system Yes Master tag for system category. Use --tags system with --skip-tags never to skip unnecessary tasks
flatpak Yes Install and configure Flatpak


Tag Enabled Description
network Yes Master tag for network category. Use --tags network with --skip-tags never to skip unnecessary tasks
surfshark No Add Surfshark IKEv2 connection to Network Manager
zaborona No Add zaborona.help OpenVPN connection to Network Manager
vpn No Enable surfshark-ikev2 and zaborona-openvpn tasks


Tag Enabled Description
hardware Yes Master tag for hardware category. Use --tags hardware with --skip-tags never to skip unnecessary tasks
intel-video Yes Setup VA-API, tools for Intel Graphics.Tweak i915 module and Xorg
intel-audio Yes Tweak snd_hda_intel module
synaptics-touchpad No Setup Synaptics Touchpad instead of libinput
logitech-trackball No Tweak Logitech Trackball M570


Tag Enabled Description
gnome Yes Master tag for gnome category. Use --tags gnome with --skip-tags never to skip unnecessary tasks
gnome-shell-extensions Yes Install and configure GNOME Shell extensions
gnome-apps Yes Install extra GNOME apps and utils
gnome-apps-settings Yes Configure GNOME Apps
gnome-settings Yes General GNOME settings
gnome-appearance Yes Install and set themes
gnome-gestures No Enable GNOME touchpad gestures on X11
gdm-settings Yes Configure GDM to act like GNOME Desktop
fonts Yes Install extra fonts
user-icon No Set icon for the user account


Tag Enabled Description
btrfs-subvolid0 No Create .automount for mount BTRFS root subvolume
dotfiles No Download and install dotfiles


Tag Description
apps Install all apps from all available tasks
cli Apps and utils with TUI or a readline interface
dev Tools for development
desktop Common apps and utils
flatpak All Flatpak available packages
xorg-extras Utils for X11 clipboard or windows manage
Tag Group(s) Description
backintime desktop Backup home directory to external USB drive/home server
barrier Open-source KVM software
brave-browser Add repository and install Brave Browser
btdu cli Download and install the latest btdu from GitHub
btrfs-list cli Download and install the latest btrfs-list from GitHub
crow-translate desktop, flatpak A simple and lightweight translator
digikam desktop, flatpak The photo manager
easyeffects Audio effects for PipeWire applications
firefox Install latest Firefox instead of Firefox ESR
flameshot desktop Install Flameshot and setup keybindings
flatseal desktop, flatpak Manage Flatpak permissions
gimp desktop, flatpak Create images and edit photographs
google-chrome Add repository and install Google Chrome
google-cloud-cli Add repository and install gcloud utility
google-earth-pro flatpak Add repository and install Google Earth Pro
gpick desktop Advanced color picker
gpxsee desktop GPS log file viewer and analyzer
imv desktop Image viewer for X11 and Wayland
inkscape desktop, flatpak Vector-based drawing program using SVG
josm flatpak Java OpenStreetMap Editor
keepassxc desktop Cross-platform password manager
kitty desktop Install Kitty terminal
libvirt Alias to virt-manager
meld dev Visual diff and merge tool
mpv desktop Movie player playing most video formats
neovim dev Add repository and install Neovim
nix Install Nix package manager
obsidian desktop, flatpak Markdown-based knowledge base
peek Animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface
qbittorrent desktop A Bittorrent Client
qgis flatpak A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System
papirus-folders Install papirus-folders script
rofi desktop Install Rofi launcher and setup keybindings
scrcpy Install scrcpy (Debian Sid only)
signal desktop, flatpak Private messenger
spotify desktop, flatpak Online music streaming service
sqlitebrowser flatpak DB Browser for SQLite is a light GUI editor for SQLite databases
syncthing desktop Continuous File Synchronization
telegram-desktop desktop, flatpak A messaging app with a focus on speed and security
timeshift System restore tool for Linux
virt-manager Install virt-manager, add the user to libvirt group, and add .kvm domain name to hosts
vscode dev Add repository and install Visual Studio Code
wine flatpak Run Windows applications on Linux
wireshark Network traffic analyzer
zeal dev Offline documentation browser inspired by Dash
zerotier Add repository and install ZeroTier
zsh cli Powerful interactive shell